Santa Monica City Council Meeting (Airport Agenda) Update

CPA-logo-smallSanta Monica City Council Approves Plan To Take Over Portion Of Airport « CBS Los Angeles

Meeting Update Tuesday March 25, 2014 – Despite the headline, I believe the actual motion was “to study” a variety of these possible approaches.

The City Counsel, Marsha Moutrie, cautioned the maker of the motion, Kevin McKeown, to adjust the motion in this regard. (We can only surmise that were it not so adjusted, it might lead to a Part 16 action based on a “decision” by the City Council.)

There were 101 registered speakers of which, by the time the evening wore on, there was fall off with perhaps 80-85 actually speaking at two minutes apiece.

I spoke as did perhaps at least 55-60 FOR THE AIRPORT of the 80-85 ultimate speakers.

There was a wide variety of pro-airport opinions spoken with relatively little repetition and where repetition did exist it was to progressively enhance the point being made.

I spoke on the concept of the ‘Big Lie’ as represented by the Airport2Park folks and inevitable commercial development, followed by others who elaborated on the loss of airspace restrictions leading to development beyond the airport space, followed by Bill Dunn who elaborated even further – along with National Air Space (NAS) issues, job issues, etc.

I would estimate we had 50 known pro-Airport advocates turn out. We were early and occupied much of the first four rows, leaving only the back or downstairs to the anti-Airport folk.

We will be reviewing the tape to identify additional personnel for use on SMAA Committees in various roles. Some of our speakers were outstandingly eloquent.


Ed Story – CalPilots Regional Vice President