Tehachapi City Council Decision Will Leave City Liable


Tehachapi – Like so many other municipalities, the Tehachapi City Council continues to straddle the fine line between doing the right thing and seeking taxes, in this case in the form of yet another hotel which will be built in an inappropriate airport safety zone. Mayor Phil Smith was quoted as saying – “We rely…

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Tehachapi City Council Ignores Hotel in Airport Safety Zone Issue


Tehachapi Airport2Tehachapi Airport Tehachapi City Council Denies Hotel Appeal – The Tehachapi City Council held a public hearing denying local airport hanger owner Kenneth Hetge his appeal to halt the construction of a new hotel in Capital Hills. The council made its decision at its Feb. 19 meeting despite hearing from nearly a dozen pilots who supported Hetge’s appeal, citing various incidents of aircraft crashes in other locations and other airport landing and take off related issues.

“I’ve been a pilot all my life,” said George Sandy, “I commend Mr. Hetge for doing his homework. He’s a staunch supporter of aviation.”

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FCC Floats New 121.5 MHz ELT Ban Proposal


fcc logoThe Federal Communications Commission has revived a plan to ban 121.5 MHz emergency locator transmitters (ELTs) in a proposal that could cost aircraft owners hundreds of millions of dollars.

In the Jan. 30 document, the FCC proposes to discontinue sales of the older-model ELTs and asks for input on whether to allow those already installed in aircraft to continue to be used. Prohibiting use of 121.5 MHz ELTs would force aircraft owners to discard perfectly functional units and replace them at a cost of $1,000 to $1,500 per airplane—regardless of what other tracking technology the pilot uses. AOPA urges pilots and aircraft owners to speak out on how a ban would affect them.

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