The Palo Alto Airport Association Becomes the Newest CPA Chapter

To: Ralph Britton,
President, Palo Alto Airport Association
Good news. In today’s mail I received two copies of the Articles of Incorporation that were filed by the California Secretary of State May 10, 2004. The Palo Alto Airport Association is now a California non-profit, public benefit corporation. Under the California Pilots Association’s IRS group exemption letter, PAAA is exempt for federal purposes. PAA does not need to file any papers with the federal government. I will apply to the California Franchise Tax Board for exemption from California taxes also. This too may take a few weeks, but that will not keep PAA from now proceeding to function as a (501(c)(3) corporation.

I will mail you a copy of the Articles of Incorporation and the original Bylaws, both of which are to be kept as part of the permanent file by a responsible officer. Whenever there is a change of officers the file should be transferred to the appropriate officer and guarded as evidence of the corporate tax-exempt status. I will send additional information about CPA’s/PAAA’s tax-exempt status.

The Palo Alto Airport Association is the newest of California’s 33 chapters that are 501(c)(3) corporations exempt under the California Pilots Association’s IRS group exemption letter.

Jay White
President, California Pilots Association