
Saturday, September 4, 2004
City Council to look at expanding airport master plan study
By Julie Fernandez
The Tulare (CA) Advance Register Tulare residents with strong feelings about the city’s airport will want to attend one of two meetings the Aviation Commission has scheduled. City Manager Kevin Northcraft has asked the City Council to expand an airport master plan study to consider the feasibility of consolidating the city’s airport with others in the area.

The issue is a controversial one and City Council members don’t want to pay a consultant to do the additional work until they have a better idea of what the Aviation Commission and community-at-large thinks.

Northcraft argues that the airport is getting limited use and is more of a hindrance than a help to economic development. The airport is adjacent to most of the city’s available industrial land.

The council already appears divided on the matter. Councilman Richard Ortega said the airport has indeed stood in the way of projects, while Mayor David Macedo strongly disagrees.

The hearings are scheduled as follows:

7 p.m. Thursday in the Civic Affairs Building, 125 South M St.

7 p.m. Sept. 13, Tulare Senior Community Center, 201 North F St.