I am looking for my father’s 1947 Aeronca Scout, Serial# 11AC-S-17; N#3796E. The last registered owner according to the FAA search no longer owns the plane. After speaking to the man he sold it to, I found he sold it also, and no longer recalls who to. I would assume the owner is a California Pilot therefore, I ask for your help.
The status of the registration is “revoked.” It is assumed that the plane is still in the vicinity since it has not been re-registered. My son recently received his pilots’ license and A&P degree. I would like to find this plane as a gift to him. Please help me find my father’s plane.
Thank you, Donna McConnel
2733 W. 1400 S. Aberdeen, ID 83210 (208)397-4649 or (208) 406-1615 [email protected]