January 22, 2005
Honorable Dick Murphy, Mayor
City of San Diego
San Diego, California
Dear Mayor Murphy:
The California Pilots Association assists cities, counties and special districts in preserving safe and efficient public airports such as Lindbergh Field. Our members are concerned about potential death or injury that could be caused by collision of aircraft with tall buildings near Lindbergh Field. Specifically, they are concerned about the project known as Bankers Hill Townhomes. This project, situated under the approach path, would expose persons living in the homes as well as aircraft passengers and crew to injury or death because of its location.
Before approving this project or others similarly situated, your Council should evaluate all associated safety risks. In addition to your own Airport Approach Overlay Ordinance, your Council should comply with the Caltrans’ Airport Land Use Planning Handbook guidelines, and the Federal Aviation Administration Regulations relating to flight safety hazards and obstructions.
Lindbergh Field is the region’s on ramp and off ramp to the nation’s aerial highways. As the population increases it will continue to gain importance as part of the transportation infrastructure. It must not be converted to a safety hazard to blight San Diego’s otherwise unblemished civic reputation.
Thank you for the opportunity to comment on this very important issue
Yours truly,
Jay C. White
President, California Pilots Association