May 9, 2005 / Andy Wilson / Comments Off on LAX Airspace Changes Proposed
No title The Class B airspace around Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) is some very high-traffic, complex airspace, and a new proposed rule aims to make it easier to use and reduce the potential for midair collisions. The plan proposes to expand the eastern boundary to ensure containment of instrument approaches, improve the containment of jet aircraft within the airspace, and simplify VFR navigation, while shrinking the overall size of the Class B by about 100 square miles. The FAA has already aired the plan in local public meetings, and won the support of AOPA. The FAA is open to additional comments through May 23. A request to allow VFR flight along the shoreline near Point Dume was OK’d, but several other comments asking for more space for VFR operations were turned down. To have your say, go to the docket and enter number 18612. You must include “FAA Docket No. FAA-2004-18612 and Airspace Docket No. 04-AWA-05” at the beginning of your comments.