The threat to the future of seaplanes on Lake Tahoe is not fully gone yet. The TRPA Board meeting on June 23 will be the determining vote on the issue. Following that vote, assuming we prevail, we will, through the SPA Water Flying Directory, publicize the existing limitations as they apply to all boats (no wake zones, no more than 5 mph in Emerald Bay, no power boats in marked swimming zones) and encouraged continued best practices for both noise and invasive species threats to Lake Tahoe.
The fight continues to involve attorneys and the associated fees; The Seaplane Pilots Association and the Seaplane Pilots Foundation, headquartered in Florida, is providing research and resources in support of seaplane access to Lake Tahoe within its 501(c)(3) parameters. Tax-deductible donations to support work on the Lake Tahoe threat can be made online at the link below or sent to the Seaplane Pilots Foundation, 3859 Laird Blvd., Lakeland, FL 33811. On the “memo” portion of your check, please write “Lake Tahoe Fund”. Please help preserve seaplane access to this, “The Jewel of the Sierra.”
Editor’s Note: TARPA’s anti aviation stance is well known, and it has continuosly shown itself to be a typical government bureaucracy more interested in obtaining funds than to do its job.