On Saturday, July 14th, the California Pilots Association held its mid year board meeting at the newly opened Museum of Flight located at the Santa Monica Airport.
Douglas Aircraft Board Room RecreationWe want thank the Museum of Flight for allowing us to use its historic meeting room, a replica of the Douglas Aircraft Company Executive Board room, and recreation of the office of Donald W. Douglas, Founder & Chairman of the Douglas Aircraft Company. The Douglas Aircraft Company remains an important piece of California aviation history.
On Friday night, July 13th, the California Pilots Association also held a ‘Meet and Greet’ with Santa Monica area pilots at the Typhoon Restaurant who also generously provided space to us. CalPilots used this opportunity to discuss airport issues with the airport stakeholders most often forgotten, the pilots who use the airport.
We want to thank all of the pilots and aviation advocates who attended the event. It was very useful discussion and will asist in future promotion and protection of the Santa Monica Airport.