There is a feud underway between the owner of the Lealand Fly Fishing Ranch and pilots who use California’s Sanoma Valley Airport (0Q3). Ranch owner Josh Frazier has erected a solid-log fence across the airport’s runway safety overrun area.
Sonoma pilot David Mace has placed a petition on the website “” in an effort to build support for the removal of the fence.
Sonoma Valley Airport – The box shows the lcoation of the code vioalator“Josh Frazier, Leland Fly Fishing Ranch, with reckless disregard for public safety egregiously erected a solid log fence/obstacle across 65 year old Sonoma Valley Airport‘s Runway 17/ 35 safety overrun,” the petition states. “The California Department of Transportation, Div. of Aeronautics, wrote a letter in July 2012 pointing out the dangers, but Leland would rather argue, through lawyers, if in-fact, the fence poses a danger. They want the public to be put at risk while they challenge DOT if a solid log fence will maim or kill a person should an aircraft roll out just a little too far. Please tell these Aggressors – PUBLIC SAFETY FIRST. TAKE DOWN the fence-to-nowhere now!”
Sonoma county reportedly fined the fishing ranch owner this summer for operating the facility without the required permits.
The airport is privately owned and accepts no federal money, but is open for public use. It is frequently used by the county Sheriff helicopter, the California Highway patrol aircraft and REACH life flight.
The petition has more than 600 signatures.
FMI:, Petition
CalPilots Editor’s Note: The obvious answer here is that Sonoma County should do its job and shut down this code violator. Watch the video and you decide if he is thumbing his nose at the process that everyone else must follow.