The Quail Brush Power Plant project opposition recently asked the California Pilots Association (CalPilots) if we planned to oppose the project based on thermal plume safety issues and due to the projects’ proximity to the Gillespie Airport and Marine Corps Air Station Miramar.
As a result, Bob Eppers, CalPilots Region 5 VP appeared before the San Diego City Council to voice CalPilots aviation based objections to the Quail Brush project.
After all of the input was heard the San Diego City Council denied a zoning change to allow the power plant to be built in its proposed location.
Afterwards, a newspaper article stated the California Public Utility Commission had determined additional power in the proposed location might not be required and questioned if the Quail Brush power plant was even necessary.
The California Energy Commission then called a special meeting in Sacramento to inform Quail Brush of the seriousness of the City of San Diego denying their request for a zoning change and intimated they may want to withdraw their application. The Quail Brush attorney advised the CEC, however, they would not withdraw.
Another project meeting is scheduled in Sacramento, but it appears that the CPUC is rebuffing the Quail Brush power requirement. It is very unusual when the CEC stops and/denies a power plant siting in its early stages of the siting process. This may be one of them
CalPilots Petitioned the CEC to become Interveners on the project, and on December 18, 2016 granted CalPilots to intervene. CalPilots’ Director Andy Wilson, will actAndy Wilson – CalPIlots Director on behalf of CalPilots during these proceedings.
CalPilots Editor’s Note: It should be noted that CalPilots is not against power plant construction, however when there are safety issues due to their proximity to airports we must speak up to protect the community and the airport.