RSA Project Update:
September 16, 2014
Weather Affects Flights at Monterey Regional Airport:
Some flights into and out of Monterey Regional Airport are being affected by weather, specifically the low fog layer. Since some flights could not arrive at the Airport on the foggy nights, there was no airplane on the ground for the early morning flights departing Monterey the next day. There were a number of flights that were delayed as well, but eventually were able to arrive at the Airport.
In addition to the low fog layer and as part of the Airport’s Runway Safety Area Improvements (RSA) project the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) had to temporarily shut down the FAA Instrument Landing System (ILS). The “localizer” transmitter portion of the ILS was shut down on September 8th for two weeks. The localizer is an essential part of the ILS, and the ILS is necessary for an aircraft to be able to land at the Airport when weather ceilings drop below FAA established parameters. Even if the ILS is operational, there is a weather ceiling threshold that would preclude any aircraft from landing.
Passengers, especially those on evening flights into the Monterey Airport and on early-morning flights out of Monterey, are asked to check with their airlines prior to their flights, particularly through next Tuesday, September 23, 2014. Once the fog dissipates and the ILS is returned to operation, flights should be back on normal schedule beginning Tuesday, September 24, 2014.
Monterey Regional Airport apologizes for any inconvenience this has caused our customers. The majority of the General Aviation and Commercial Aviation flights have not been affected.