Posts by Andy Wilson
Search begins for new VNY FBO
Los Angeles World Airports has issued a Request for Qualifications seeking firms interested in operating as a Fixed-Base Operator (FBO) at Van Nuys Airport (VNY) in Southern California. It’s anticipated that two FBO areas will be made available for lease, according to airport officials. FBO services would include leasing land and buildings, serving the needs…
Read MoreVan Nuys Airport Celebrates its 85th Anniversary
Be Part of Local History as the Van Nuys Airport Celebrates its 85th Anniversary – Now thru August 22, send us your memories, videos, and/or digital photos to be published on this exclusive website.
All participants will be entered in a special drawing to WIN a chance to fly with legendary aviator Clay Lacy aboard his sleek Lear 35!
Read MoreNew Class B Airspace around LAS Notice
New Class B Airspace around LAS Notice Number: NOTC4924
Solution to Ontario's and San Diego's airport problems
Commentary – – As San Diego evolved from a sleepy Navy town into a big city with tourism, its major industry, its waterfront airport, became woefully inadequate.
With a single and relatively short runway, Lindbergh Field cannot handle larger, transoceanic jets. But even if it could, its jam-packed terminals can’t adequately process current passengers. The airport has maxed out at just under 17 million passengers a year and can’t tolerate any more planes or bodies.
Read MoreCalifornia Proposes Official Airspace Restrictions
The California Pilots Association believes the proposed final language of §4351 (a) and §4351 (a)(1) creating the regulation “no flying of aircraft lower than 2,000 feet above the ground” above Cultural Preserves and Natural Preserves to be inconsistent with Federal regulations. Read the open letter…..
Read MoreCalifornia restriction would tread on FAA turf
A California state government agency’s proposal to enact an overflight restriction within state wilderness, cultural, and natural preserves usurps the FAA’s ability to regulate airspace and provides no mechanisms for ascertaining aircraft altitudes, enforcement, or pilot notification of the location of restrictions, AOPA said in a formal response.
Read MoreProps Restaurant at WVI launches new menu
WATSONVILLE, Calif. — Just shy of its one-year anniversary Props Restaurant and Lounge at the Watsonville Municipal Airport is offering a new menu with healthier choices. Pilots, passengers and patrons alike can now choose Prop’s cole slaw instead of fries as an option with their burgers noted with airports codes. The Salmon Bagel Burger (MRY)…
Effective 20-21, 23-25, 29 AUGUST 2013
During August 2013, the Department of the Navy will conduct an amphibious operations training exercise along the shoreline and within facilities associated with Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, California. This exercise is essential to train Navy and Marine Corps units in planning, coordination and execution of amphibious landings and sea-to-shore operations. The exercises will include intensive, hazardous military aviation, and ground fire activities to include artillery live fire.
Read MoreFAA responds to EAA Young Eagle Flight Petition
This week the FAA responded to an EAA petition, filed in April 2012, which would allow volunteer private pilots flying Young Eagles to be reimbursed for fuel consumed during sanctioned Young Eagles events.
Oceanside Airport Gets improvements
Oceanside’s airport to get long-awaited improvements – OCEANSIDE – After a two-year lawsuit over land use, Oceanside is moving ahead with its new master plan for the Bob Maxwell Memorial Airfield.
The yearlong process of updating the plan began earlier this year in March. The last plan was adopted in 1994.
At an open house meeting on Wednesday, officials introduced the preliminary outline to the public at the Oceanside Public Library.
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