Aviation Interest


'Tis the season of thanksgiving and goodwill

Blog – During the holidays, Opinion Leaders blogger and psychotherapist Jolie Lucas’s counseling practice gets as busy as Oshkosh in July. She recommends clients find “something to be grateful for.” Lucas shares what she’s thankful for in aviation. Read more…

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A 'baaad' rule

WASHINGTON, D.C. — This could be the beginning of something big: The FAA has followed recommendations from the National Transportation Safety Board and announced a program to check the weight of pilots in order to produce safer flight. The announced reason is that overweight people have a tendency to be more liable to suffer sleep…

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AOPA insists FAA withdraw new sleep disorder policy

The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) on Wednesday sent a letter to FAA Administrator Michael Huerta insisting that the FAA withdraw its new policy on obstructive sleep apnea or go through the rulemaking process. “We believe this policy inappropriately bypasses the rulemaking process; overlooks potentially more effective and efficient solutions; provides no clear safety…

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Caltrans Division of Aeronautics fall newsletter, CalAERO

Please find the Caltrans, Division of Aeronautics fall newsletter, CalAERO, attached. DoA is the State government Aviation Organization which looks after our airports and all things aviation in our state.

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Lawmakers Seek Answers On GA Aircraft Searches

Lawmakers are continuing to put pressure on Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to detail and justify stops and searches of general aviation aircraft that are flying within U.S. borders. Eight Senate Republicans wrote Homeland Security acting Secretary Rand Beers seeking a report by Nov. 15 on every stop and search since 2009 and the reasons behind the searches.

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Turn your smartphone into a wind meter

Now your smartphone can display real-time wind readings by plugging a new compact meter from Sporty’s into your phone’s headset jack and downloading a free app. The app gives you a clear overview of average, actual and maximum wind speed, as well as a real-time graph. The unit of measurement — m/s, Kmh, mph, Kts,…

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FAA Releases Unmanned Aircraft Systems Roadmap

faastForecasts estimate an expected 7,500 small unmanned aircraft in the national airspace in the next five years. For now, almost all of the unmanned aircraft operations that are approved are for public use and research purposes, and on a case by case basis. A new UAS roadmap document, developed with key stakeholders, will outline what is needed to safely integrate unmanned aircraft into the national airspace.

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CalPilots California dreamin'

AOPA Blog California dreamin’ How times have changed since AOPA Western Pacific Regional Manager John Pfeifer’s first California Pilots Association (CalPilots) annual meeting. The event has been transformed from a day-long business meeting with 20 to 25 people to a mélange of networking, education, exhibits, food, and entertainment. Read more…

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Flashlight Night set at Oakland Aviation Museum

OAKLAND, Calif. — The Oakland Aviation Museum’s popular Flashlight Night returns for the Halloween Night Flashlight tour Oct. 31. Visitors are invited to bring their flashlights and come out for an evening of fun and exploration of the darkened museum. Flashlights also are available for sale at the gift shop for $3. Hear stories of…

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AOPA Safety Seminar – Santa Monica

In light of the recent tragedy at KSMO, AOPA is conducting a Safety Seminar at the Double Tree Hotel on 4th St. in Santa Monica on Thursday 7:00PM October 24th. It is urgent that we attend this event with every possible pilot/enthusiast we can. They have planned for 250 attendees and we cannot let them…

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