Aviation Interest


Wings Over Marin

gnossLogoDarkOverThere’s an exciting Marin event coming up on Saturday September 21st I thought you might be interested in! I’ll be there and I hope you can come and bring your friends and family. Here are some of the highlights: · September 21st from 10AM to 4PM at Gnoss Field in Novato. This event will feature:

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Reducing the Risk of Runway Incursions

Safety Alert for Operators (SAFO) on Using Runways as Taxiways
A new SAFO has provided information on reducing the risk of runway incursions when taxiing on intersecting or active runways. It is a common practice for ATC at many airports to use active or inactive runways as a taxiway, however, due to runways typically being wider than taxiways, signs located on the edge of the runway may be more difficult for the pilot to see and identify. In addition, many of the visual cues typically present on taxiways such as signs, markings, and lighting, are frequently missed.

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Rim Fire Yosemite Video

The Link below is video from one of the Channel Island C-130 aircraft fightng the Rim Fire. It provides a good perspective of what pilots flying these missions are dealing with.  http://calfire.blogspot.com/2013/08/must-see-maffs-6-146-aw-channel-islands.html#links  

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California Vies for New Space Industry

Virgin Galactic KnightTwoAs several new private ventures to take people on trips to space come closer to becoming reality, California lawmakers are racing other states to woo the new space companies with cushy incentives.

They are debating a bill now in Sacramento that would insulate manufacturers of spaceships and parts suppliers from liability should travelers get injured or killed on a voyage, except in cases such as gross negligence or intentional wrongdoing. Last year, the state enacted a law that shields space tourism companies such as Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic from similar lawsuits.

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8th Annual BBQ Aerospace Museum of California

You are invited to the 8th Annual BBQ on the Ramp on Saturday, August 24th. Don’t miss this spectacular fundraising event to support the Museum’s educational programs. There will be wine tasting, live music, delicious food, a live auction hosted by David Sobon and an incredible fireworks show!

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Search begins for new VNY FBO

Los Angeles World Airports has issued a Request for Qualifications seeking firms interested in operating as a Fixed-Base Operator (FBO) at Van Nuys Airport (VNY) in Southern California. It’s anticipated that two FBO areas will be made available for lease, according to airport officials. FBO services would include leasing land and buildings, serving the needs…

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California Proposes Official Airspace Restrictions

The California Pilots Association believes the proposed final language of §4351 (a) and §4351 (a)(1) creating the regulation “no flying of aircraft lower than 2,000 feet above the ground” above Cultural Preserves and Natural Preserves to be inconsistent with Federal regulations. Read the open letter…..

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California restriction would tread on FAA turf

A California state government agency’s proposal to enact an overflight restriction within state wilderness, cultural, and natural preserves usurps the FAA’s ability to regulate airspace and provides no mechanisms for ascertaining aircraft altitudes, enforcement, or pilot notification of the location of restrictions, AOPA said in a formal response.

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Props Restaurant at WVI launches new menu

WATSONVILLE, Calif. — Just shy of its one-year anniversary Props Restaurant and Lounge at the Watsonville Municipal Airport is offering a new menu with healthier choices. Pilots, passengers and patrons alike can now choose Prop’s cole slaw instead of fries as an option with their burgers noted with airports codes. The Salmon Bagel Burger (MRY)…

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Bruce’s Custom Covers Offers Discount to CalPilots Membership

The California Pilots Association is pleased to announce our newest Business Partner, Bruce’s Custom Covers, of Sunnyvale California. Bruce’s Custom Covers has agreed to provide a single engine aircraft cover as one of the silent auction items for this year’s annual meeting, October 18-19th at San Luis Obispo.

Further, Bruce’s Custom Covers has agreed to provide the CalPilots membership a special 10% Discount starting July 29th during the EAA AirVenture week. The special will run until the end of September 2013.

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