Aviation Interest


Vacaville Nut Tree Airport Poised for Expansion

nuttreeEditorial: Airport proposals could be the start of something big – Here’s a word that northern Solano County residents may want to keep in mind as proposed developments takes shape in and around the Nut Tree Airport: synergy.

The dictionary defines it as “the simultaneous action of separate agencies which, together, have a greater total effect than the sum of their individual effects” — precisely what may be happening at the airport in Vacaville.

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CANCELLEDEffective 27-30 JULY 2013 – During July 2013, the Department of the Navy will conduct an amphibious operations training exercise along the shoreline and within facilities associated with Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, California.  This exercise is essential to train Navy and Marine Corps units in planning, coordination and execution of amphibious landings and sea-to-shore operations. The exercises will include intensive, hazardous military aviation, and ground fire activities to include artillery live fire.

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Helicopter Pilots Model Code of Conduct Released

HMCC-LogoThe Helicopter Pilots Model Code of Conduct (HMCC) was released today by the project’s Permanent Editorial Board. The HMCC offers recommendations to advance helicopter flight safety, airmanship, and professionalism. Developed by a team of helicopter experts, the HMCC draws upon decades of research as well as input from key helicopter organizations in both the private

and public sectors, and builds upon the foundation of the Aviators Model Code of Conduct initiative, a project of over ten years. The Code applies to a range of operating environments, from primary instruction to commercial flight operations.

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California Pilots Association to host congressman

The California Pilots Association will host an event featuring Congressman Tom McClintock (R-CA-4), a member of the Congressional General Aviation Caucus, on Saturday, July 20. Part safety seminar, part legislative update, the event will be held at the Granite Bay High School Theater (1 Grizzly Way, Granite Bay, Calif., 95746-7194). The agenda includes:12:30 pm –…

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Whiteman (WHP), CA – Obstacle Departure Procedure Alert

faastWhiteman (WHP), CA – Obstacle Departure Procedure, (ODP)
Notice Number: NOTC4854

Pilots executing Incorrect IFR departure procedures out of Whiteman (WHP), CA. have resulted in numerous Pilot Deviations.

To help prevent these deviations, pilots are reminded that IFR aircraft flying the Whiteman (WHP) Obstacle Departure Procedure, (ODP) should ALWAYS be “OUTBOUND” on the VNY R-325 as they climb to 4,500 ft. prior to turning left direct VNY VOR/DME. It is imperative that pilots follow the established WHP Obstacle Departure Procedure, (ODP) to avoid higher terrain.

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FAA Budget: Agency Struggles To Manage Resources

Here is an interesting article on the FAA, an insiders view of its practices and inefficiencies. It will assistin understanding what is happening regarding how the agency manages itself and the various projects it is responsible for. It is lengthy, but, it will provide you with important information on why the FAA shouldn’t be adding user fees, but instead, start to become effective through streamlining and cuts.

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"The 2013 America's Cup Race" – FAASafety.gov

faastAmerica’s Cup Races will be held on the San Francisco Bay July 4, 2013 through September 21, 2013.  The approximate times are 1000-1700PDT daily (For specific race schedules:  http://www.americascup.com/en/events

– The race course is located on the San Francisco Bay, to the south of Alcatraz Island, along the northern shoreline of the City of San Francisco, from the Presidio (Golden Gate National Recreation Area) to Treasure Island. 

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Airport Disputes EPA Lead Air Study Findings

SQLPilots at a California airport that flunked an Environmental Protection Agency lead air-quality test are crying foul. The EPA recently released results of a study of airborne lead at 17 airports around the country where monitors were placed to measure air quality in public areas. While nearly all passed the test, San Carlos Airport south of San Francisco had unusually high readings – and now we may know why.

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FAA’s Extortion Against EAA AirVenture

eaaEAA signs deal with FAA to cover controller expenses at Oshkosh The Experimental Aircraft Association (EAA) has finalized a one-time agreement with the FAA to cover nearly $450,000 in expenses related to air traffic control services at the 2013 EAA AirVenture Oshkosh fly-in, which begins on July 29.

“Let me be clear: We have consistently regarded the FAA’s move as holding AirVenture and GA hostage this year,” said EAA Chairman Jack Pelton.  “There was considerable, detailed thought given over the past month to every option and possible scenario. Ultimately, AirVenture’s importance to the entire general aviation economy and community, as well as to EAA’s year-round programs, was the overriding factor in our response. AirVenture will go on, and our attendees deserve nothing less than the best air safety and services we can provide.

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Fresno Pilot Completes round the World Flight

Young pilot completes solo flight around the world – FRESNO, Calif. — On June 29, Jack Wiegand completed his mission to break the current Guinness World Records title and became the youngest person to fly solo around the world. The Fresno, Calif. native, 21 years 7 days, broke the current record held by James Anthony Tan…

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