Aviation Interest


FAA Seeks 100LL Alternative Help

faaWASHINGTON – The Department of Transportation’s Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) today asked the world’s fuel producers to submit proposals for fuel options that would help the general aviation industry make a transition to an unleaded fuel. The FAA is committed to the development a new unleaded fuel by 2018 that would minimize the impact of replacing 100 octane low-lead fuel for most of the general aviation fleet.

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Editorial: FAA fee for AirVenture misguided

Though for a time it seemed the IRS would hands down win the title of daffiest and most misguided three lettered government agency, the FAA quickly shot up in the rankings last week by demanding the Experimental Aircraft Association pay $500,000 for air traffic controller expenses during its annual AirVenture convention here in Oshkosh.

 EAA leaders, members of Wisconsin’s Congressional delegation and the aviation community have made a strong case for why the Federal Aviation Administration’s demand is out-of-line and potentially unlawful without explicit Congressional authorization. Thousands of aviators who will make their way to Oshkosh this summer will shell out substantial user fees for fuel and the like to help directly cover the expenses of controllers and other parts of the nation’s air traffic safety system.

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FAA Tells EAA AirVenture to Pay Up

eaaThe Experimental Aircraft Association, on notice from the FAA to expect a bill for air traffic services at EAA AirVenture this summer, is looking to Congress for relief from the user fees that put “a price tag” on safety.

In a June 3 message, EAA Chairman Jack Pelton told EAA members that it was time to speak out against the FAA’s bid to charge air traffic fees at aviation events. EAA members should urge their U.S. senators to sign a letter to FAA Administrator Michael Huerta “in support of GA and opposed to putting a price tag on GA safety,” he said. The letter is now being circulated among senators.

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Is Homeland Security Out of Control?

Column: Pilot is detained for “doing absolutely nothing illegal” – Columnist James Fallows examines the ordeal of private pilot Gabriel Silverstein, who was detained for two hours when he forgot his eyeglass case at an airport in Oklahoma. “Again to put this in perspective for people outside the airplane world, a person who was doing…

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Rocky Mountain Light Sport Aircraft Expo

Saturday and Sunday, May 18-19, 2013 will mark the 3rd Annual Rocky Mountain Light Sport Aircraft Expo at Front Range Airport. This year’s Expo will have something for everyone. Come take a look at the newest Light Sport Aircraft on the market, a variety of experimental aircraft and the classics of general aviation. Take advantage of seminars and demonstrations on the latest drone technology. We will have exhibitors and seminars to showcase the best and newest aviation technology as well as demo flights and static displays.

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20 year old attempts around the world flight for charity

jack wiegardFresno, CA. – At 20 years old, Jack Wiegand is preparing for the flight of his life to break the Guinness World Records™ title, something he has been working toward since his first flight at the age of 13. In May 2013, this record-breaking journey will take him from his home in Fresno, California, to exotic destinations he has dreamed of since childhood. Rome, Egypt, Bangkok and Tokyo are only a few of the locations he will travel to on his flight around the world.

Jack’s journey to make history began on his 13th birthday when he piloted his first introductory glider. On his 14th birthday, he became the youngest pilot in the Central California Soaring Club to solo a glider, and when Jack was 16, he soloed his first single-engine power plane. Now 20 years old, Jack plans to break the Guinness World Records™ title in May 2013 by becoming the youngest person to fly solo around the world.

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FAA NAFC Flight Advisory – GPS Testing


May 13th-16th – GPS interference testing 24nm south of the Bonneville (UT) VORTAC may result in unreliable or unavailable GPS signals for almost a 400nm radius from the test site at 10,000′ agl. This testing will impact GPS signals in every state in the northwest mountain region, along with several others.

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Wounded Warriors Experience A Helicopter Simulator With HSC-3

San Diego, CA – Ten Wounded Warriors Get Co-Pilot Experience In The Sim – Wounded Warriors from Naval Medical Center San Diego (NMCSD), had the opportunity to experience a helicopter simulator at Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 3, May 10. The Wyakin Warrior Foundation (WYWF), a nonprofit organization which provides education and professional development to wounded veterans, in conjunction with the San Diego Leadership Forum (SDLF) and HSC-3, invited 10 Wounded Warriors to spend an evening at the HSC-3 helicopter simulation facility.

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California Aviation Awareness Day

‘No Plane No Gain’ Message Highlighted at Inaugural California Aviation Awareness Day – A diverse cross section of California-based aircraft owners and operators gathered April 24 at the state capitol in Sacramento for the first-ever California Aviation Awareness Day, a two-hour interactive forum where participants were able to engage with lawmakers and the general public in discussions about the importance of the aviation industry to the California economy.

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Angel Flight West Drives Expansion

Angel Flight WestThe nonprofit, volunteer-driven, non-emergency air transport organization Angel Flight West is inviting all other volunteer pilot organizations to use its new software and database system at no cost. The system facilitates management of personnel and flight requests and includes debrief capabilities “through a user-friendly, robust filtering system,” according to the group. By offering the system, free of charge, the organization hopes both to reduce the workload of individual volunteers who process and coordinate missions for similar groups, and to facilitate the expansion of public-benefit flying organizations. Angel Flight West saw a surge in activity in 2012 that left them seeking additional volunteer pilots.

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