Aviation Interest


California Aviation Awareness Day

‘No Plane No Gain’ Message Highlighted at Inaugural California Aviation Awareness Day – A diverse cross section of California-based aircraft owners and operators gathered April 24 at the state capitol in Sacramento for the first-ever California Aviation Awareness Day, a two-hour interactive forum where participants were able to engage with lawmakers and the general public in discussions about the importance of the aviation industry to the California economy.

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Angel Flight West Drives Expansion

Angel Flight WestThe nonprofit, volunteer-driven, non-emergency air transport organization Angel Flight West is inviting all other volunteer pilot organizations to use its new software and database system at no cost. The system facilitates management of personnel and flight requests and includes debrief capabilities “through a user-friendly, robust filtering system,” according to the group. By offering the system, free of charge, the organization hopes both to reduce the workload of individual volunteers who process and coordinate missions for similar groups, and to facilitate the expansion of public-benefit flying organizations. Angel Flight West saw a surge in activity in 2012 that left them seeking additional volunteer pilots.

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Hiller Aviation Museum – Seaplane Adventure!

Saturday May 4th 10AM-3PM – San Carlos, CA. – Come see this beautiful Grumman Mallard along with other fantastic seaplanes on Saturday, May 4th at Seaplane Adventure at the Hiller Aviation Museum. Seaplane Adventure features a fly-in of “amphibious” aircraft from around the western United States. These planes can operate from land as well as…

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2013 National Safety Stand Down – Glendale Community College

Date: Saturday, May 4, 2013 starting at 9:30 am PDT – Please let your members know about our free event & lunch. https://www.facebook.com/events/328047307318315/ GCC and the GCC Aviation & Space Club together with the FAA Safety FAASTeam is pleased to host a presentation offered by select Aviation Experts for this year’s 2013 National Safety Stand Down. Thousands of pilots across the country will come together as a Safety Community to participate in a dynamic, interactive program devoted to Local Safety Issues, Loss of Control, and the number one aviation fatal factor – Human Error. RSVP: http://www.faasafety.gov/SPANS/event_details.aspx?eid=49787

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CAFE Symposium Explores Flight Of The Future

Santa Rosa, CA. – An array of experts in a variety of aircraft technologies, from batteries to aerodynamics to photovoltaics, are gathering in Santa Rosa, Calif., for this week’s 7th annual CAFE electric-aircraft symposium. Representatives from NASA, IBM, Pipistrel, MIT, UCLA, and more, are convening to share the results of their latest research and contribute to creating the next generation of flight. “There’s a great deal of promise that we can have emissions-free airplanes,” event organizer Dr. Brien Seeley told AVweb on Thursday. General-aviation aircraft that are quiet, vibration-free, and easy to operate have “the potential to really proliferate,” he said. The meeting will be held Friday and Saturday.

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Apparently we do need this tower

The “Reducing Flight Delays Act of 2013” (H.R. 1765) was introduced on Friday, April 26, by Rep. Tom Latham (R-Iowa). It was signed by President Obama on Wednesday, May 1. You see, Congress and the President can get things done…when they want to. The full title of the bill is “To provide the Secretary of…

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The show must go on

When I was a young girl, my father would take the family to various airport days and aviation events in California. I grew up with prop tags, airshow hot dogs, and the sounds of warbirds. As an adult, I have loved attending and putting on events at general aviation airports. It is sad for me in 2013 to see the downsizing or cancellation of some of our wonderful airshows and aviation events because of financial concerns from the sequestration budget cuts.

From the cancellation of Indiana’s 2013 Indianapolis Air Show to expected decreases in the amount of military participation at Lake in the Sky Airshow in South Lake Tahoe, Calif., to the postponement of military and small hometown shows, the shockwaves continue. Yet as we remove some shows from our calendars, we can add smaller shows or events instead. – Get involved, support local airshows, fly-ins

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California Aviation Awareness Day

The first annual California Aviation Awareness Day event to be held on April 24, 2013, between 11:00 am and 1:00 pm on the north steps of the State Capitol in Sacramento.  The purpose of the event is to inform the public and legislators about the importance of aviation to California.  Many of our members have been helping get us organized as this was not initially a planned event for ACA.  But, it made sense that ACA take the lead and we will have more information at the September conference on planning for the event in 2014.

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California Aviation Awareness Day

California Aviation Awareness Day Sponsorship


  • Aviation is vital to the California Eonomy
  • Airports and aviation creates jobs
  • State support of California airports is completely funded by user fees
  • The historical level of state support is insufficient to sustain the infrastructure

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    Tighter Rules for Meteorological Towers

    Meteorological TowersMARTINEZ, CA — Contra Costa County looks for clarity on adding lights as part of tighter rules for meteorological towers. Following the state’s lead, Contra Costa County is poised to tighten its rules for marking meteorological towers that might prove hazardous to aircraft.

    However, county planning commissioners postponed taking action this week, asking for more information about adding aviation light beacons atop towers 150 feet and taller.

    The item will be brought back to the planning commission at its April 23 meeting.

    The state approved legislation last fall in response to the January 2011 fatal crash of agricultural pilot Stephen Allen after his airplane struck a 198-foot tower on Webb Tract that he likely did not see. The tower was erected in 2009.

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