Fuller: FAA sequestration cuts not safe or sensible
By Andy Wilson |

Celebrating women in aviation
By Andy Wilson |
San Carlos, CA. – Females interested in aviation can get more information at one of a number of events held in San Carlos next week celebrating the Women of Aviation Worldwide Week.
Today, about 6 percent of pilots are female in most developed countries, according to the Institute for Women of Aviation Worldwide. Similarly, the percentage of female aircraft mechanics is less than 3 percent and female aeronautical engineers make up about 9 percent of their field. The week was created in 2010 to encourage “awareness and outreach celebrating women of aviation and their contribution to the betterment of the air and space industry.”
Affected Sequester Airports Serve 150,000 Or Fewer Annual Flights
By Andy Wilson |
Airport Executives Association President Says Nearly Half Of The Nation’s Control Towers May Close – Airports with 150,000 or fewer operations per year are in danger of losing their control towers due to sequestration, affecting as many as 168 airports across the country.
By Andy Wilson |
FLIGHT ADVISORY GPS Testing NAFC GPS 13 – 04 February 26, 2013 – March 15, 2013 Las Vegas, NV This will affect a huge area see URL link for more information https://www.faasafety.gov/files/notices/2013/Feb/NAFC_13-04_GPS_Flight_Advisory.pdf
FAA Initiates Phase 2 Of Airport Study
By Andy Wilson |

Lawmakers revisit L.A. helicopter noise bill
By Andy Wilson |
Food for Thought from GAN
By Andy Wilson |
Lessons from the NFL – A few days before the Seattle Seahawks played the Washington Redskins in the Wild Card round of the National Football League playoffs, General Aviation News columnist, and nearly Washington D.C. resident Charles Spence emailed me to poke a little fun about the upcoming game. I took the comments to Facebook for…
FAA Issues SAIB For Continental Engines
By Andy Wilson |
The FAA has issued a Special Airworthiness Information Bulletin (SAIB) for airplanes equipped with Continental Motors, Inc. (CMI), continuous flow, fuel injected engines. The airworthiness concern is related to certain throttle and mixture control levers. Affected engines include all IO-240, IO-360, LTSIO-360, TSIO-360, IO-346, IO-470, GIO-470, TSIO-470, IO-520, GTSIO-520, LIO-520, TSIO-520, IO-550, GIO-550, TSIO-550, and TSIOL-550 continuous flow, fuel injected engines (except FADEC-equipped engines).
Watsonville Airport Runway 8/26 Closure
By Andy Wilson |
Be advised that Runway 8/26 will be closed effective 0800 on January 30, 2013 and will reopen at 0800 on February 1, 2013. A NOTAM will be issued communicating this closure.
California GPS Signals Testing Jan 25 – Feb 1
By Andy Wilson |
GPS signals may be unreliable over California – The FAA has issued a flight advisory for potentially unreliable GPS signals in areas around Barstow, Calif., Jan. 25 to Feb. 1. See the flight advisory for details on location, duration, and size of the affected areas. Pilots are encouraged to report anomalies to the appropriate air route…