First-ever California Pilot Safety Tour takes off

CalPilots is touring Central and Northern California in the next week providing free FAA Wings Safety Classes and safety information from Camarillo to Eureka. The tour, which includes both Town Hall meetings and seminars, is being led by 5000-hour ATP, Master Instructor, FAA Lead Safety Team Rep Gary Reeves. The seminars, which qualify for FAA…

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Inaugural Los Angeles County Air Show


LA AirshowDeemed a Huge Success and Gives Back to the Community – Show announces economic impact, confirmation of 2015 event and more

LOS ANGELES (April 24, 2014) – The Los Angeles County Air Show Board of Directors today announced that the inaugural event exceeded expectations and provided a significant boost to the local economy. Additionally, the proceeds from the event will fund several scholarships to regional youth and provide seed money for the 2015 Air Show.

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Second California Aviation Day


Cal Aviation dayEvent serves as legislative advocacy effort – The second annual California Aviation Day will take place April 22 and 23 in Sacramento. The first event last April was deemed a success, and organizers expect even more to participate this year.

This event serves as a great opportunity for the industry to promote the variety, vitality, and importance of aviation in California. It’s also a great chance for pilots to meet with state legislators and staff all in one place, to personally discuss the issues of importance to general aviation.

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Industry hosts second annual California Aviation Day


Cal Aviation dayThe second annual California Aviation Day at the Capitol took place April 22 and 23, with approximately 600 attendees, 24 sponsors, and 17 exhibitors. AOPA was one of many aviation organizations supporting the event. Western Pacific Regional Manager John Pfeifer served on the executive committee organizing the event.

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Tracking system nabbing drug dealers and law-abiding pilot


Ken Dobson, a retired police officer, said he received quite a welcome when he landed his single-engine Cessna in Detroit two days after leaving his home in Palm Desert.

Five sheriff’s cars surrounded the plane and deputies got out with guns drawn. Then a helicopter arrived with four federal agents and a drug-sniffing dog.

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California Department of Parks and Recreation Seeks Airspace Changes


CPA-logo-smallaopaCalPilots Editor’s Note: CalPilots was previously advised by the California Department of Parks and Recreation that the state was not pursuing this idea. We will be joining forces with AOPA to act against this unrequired piece of legislation which creates unnecesary operational concern for the state’s pilots.

AOPA is requesting the immediate withdrawal of an amended draft regulation that would set minimum altitudes for aircraft flying over California state parks being proposed by the state’s Department of Parks and Recreation. As written, the amended draft regulation conflicts with preemptive federal regulations and would have far-reaching effects and implications for general aviation pilots.

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LAX on an average day


The image is a compilation of 75 different pictures. Since more than 1,500 flights take off from LAX on any given day, photograher Micheal Kelley pointed out that he only focused on one runway and this picture isn’t meant to capture every single flight – or even every plane he took a picture of during takeoff.”I think the picture resonates with so many people because now we take air travel for granted in our lives,” Kelley . “Flying has become so mundane. You forget how cool it can be, how many planes take off and land every day.”

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FAA Asks Industry To Review Sleep Apnea Guidance


Instructs AMEs To Consider More Than Body Mass Index When Diagnosing OSA – In response to concerns from the aviation medical community, the FAA has sent draft guidance for Aviation Medical Examiners (AMEs) on Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) to key industry medical representatives to review within 14 days. Untreated OSA has always been and will continue to be a disqualifying medical condition.

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