Posts by Andy Wilson
Legislation That Could Change the Future Of General Aviation
If you haven’t received it, here is a request from AOPA CEO/President Mark Baker. Please take the time and contact your congressional representitive. It is easy and very important!
Read MoreGreat Old Naval Air Station Pictures SF Bay Area
For you history buffs – Here is a great collection of pictures of San Francisco Bay area Naval Air Station pictures as well as aircraft. Keep scrolling down as there are numerous pictures after the comments start too.
Read MoreCalif. analysts doubt Highway Patrol aircraft need
LOS ANGELES—The California Highway Patrol’s fleet of airplanes and helicopters may be getting old, but state lawmakers should not fund the purchase of replacements until the state police force justifies why it needs 26 new aircraft, according to the independent Legislative Analyst’s Office.
(No Surprise) User Fees Return In New Budget Plan
A new federal budget plan released by the White House on Tuesday includes a proposal to “establish a surcharge for air traffic services of $100 per flight.” NBAA President Ed Bolen said similar proposals in the last three budgets were stopped when the aviation community mobilized and asked elected officials to oppose the fees. “There is bipartisan opposition to user fees on Capitol Hill,” Bolen said. NBAA will continue working with leaders in Congress, he said, “to support FAA funding and aviation system modernization without user fees for general aviation, so that our nation’s aviation system can remain the world’s largest, safest and most efficient.” General aviation already pays for its use of the aviation system through the fuel tax, Bolen added.
"Discover Flying Day" at Willits on Saturday, March 1st!
Willits Municipal Airport and the City of Willits presents their first annual Discover Flying Day, Saturday, March 1, 2014, beginning at 10 a.m. Airport Manager Dan Ramsey says, “If you’ve ever wondered what flying an airplane feels like — or you’d like to restart or return to flying — plan to attend this fun and free event at the Willits Airport this Saturday. Experienced pilots and flight instructors will answer your questions about what flying an airplane is like, where you can fly in your own airplane, the requirements for getting a pilot’s license, the new light-sport license and aircraft, how to be a frugal pilot and cut costs without cutting safety, and considering a partnership or flying club. You can ask questions of experienced pilots to see if flying is right for you.”
Event Company Reprises Aviation Summit
A Las Vegas-area company intends to pick up where AOPA left off and reprise the “Summit” convention and aircraft display at the Palm Springs Convention Center Oct. 17-19. Lift Event Management of Henderson, just outside Las Vegas, is apparently patterning their 2014 Aviation Summit after the 2012 Summit in Palm Springs, including the Parade of Planes from the airport to the convention center. Last year, AOPA announced its 2013 Fort Worth show would be the last AOPA Summit and scheduled six regional events in its place. In a prospectus emailed to potential exhibitors, the company says it chose Palm Springs as “the ideal destination to display and showcase the latest in aviation products and services.”
Read MoreFAA busting drone myths
Busting Myths about the FAA and Unmanned Aircraft” can be found on the FAA’s website. Seven myths in all are touted, then rebutted by “Fact”. For example: Myth #2: Commercial UAS flights are OK if I’m over private property and stay below 400 feet. In this fast moving segment, it is worth the read. Thank…
Read MoreIs it Worth It?
Every pilot has probably asked him/herself if the issues associated with general aviation are worth the experience of flight. This short video is a good example of why it is worth it. Why we fly, why we continue to fight for our rights as aviators. Enjoy.
Read MoreWhen the obvious is not obvious
What’s obvious and beneficial to one person may be a total mystery to another. Put another way, you have to have a frame of reference if you’re going to make use of the tools available to you. That’s true whether the tools you’re working with are tangible or intangible. They may be physical items or…
Read MoreGood News/Bad News for Gnoss Field Runway Extension
Aviation users of Gnoss Field got some good news and bad news earlier in February for the long-delayed runway extension.
On February 11, the good news came from the Marin County Board of Supervisors who voted 5-0 to certify the Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for an 1,100 foot extension of runway 13/31. The certification vote allows the project to move forward through its many steps toward lengthening the runway to 4,400 feet.
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