Posts by Andy Wilson
FAA Tells EAA AirVenture to Pay Up
The Experimental Aircraft Association, on notice from the FAA to expect a bill for air traffic services at EAA AirVenture this summer, is looking to Congress for relief from the user fees that put “a price tag” on safety.
In a June 3 message, EAA Chairman Jack Pelton told EAA members that it was time to speak out against the FAA’s bid to charge air traffic fees at aviation events. EAA members should urge their U.S. senators to sign a letter to FAA Administrator Michael Huerta “in support of GA and opposed to putting a price tag on GA safety,” he said. The letter is now being circulated among senators.
Read MoreTFR – San Jose, CA Thursday June 6th
A NOTAM has been issued that will restrict flight in the area during
President Obama’s planned visit.
==> 30 NM RADIUS TFR <==
On the WOODSIDE VORTAC (OSI) 046 degree radial at 7.5 nautical miles.
From the surface up to but not including 18000 feet MSL
5:30 PM local until 9:30 PM local Thursday, June 6, 2013
TFR's – Multiple Around California June 6-7 2013
These include San Jose, Los Angles and Palm Springs – Go to the FAA Web Site to learn more about the numerous airports affected.
Read MoreOntario Sues LA for Control Of Airport
LOS ANGELES ( – The city of Ontario has sued Los Angeles in order to take over control of the Ontario International Airport. Attorney Roy Goldberg claims the facility has been neglected for years and Los Angeles caused “immeasurable harm” to Inland Empire residents because of the way it has dealt with the airport. Goldberg specifically said officials at Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) didn’t “promote and expand air service” at the airport.
Moffett Field Hangar One Update
Bay Area’s Biggest Fixer-Upper Looking for New Tenant – Bill Parsons surveyed the hulking metal hangar, towering like a massive metal cocoon over Moffett Field.
With its decaying outer skin removed, the historic Hangar One looked as if it had been assembled with an erector set.
Parsons worked in the hangar back in the sixties, when he was an airplane mechanic with the Navy.
“The enormity — spending a night watch in there by myself,” Parsons mused, “you wonder about the ghosts.”
Read MoreFAA advises against regulating helicopters over LA
LOS ANGELES—A federal report released on Friday advises against issuing regulations to limit low-flying helicopters to cut down on chopper noise over the Los Angeles Basin.
The report by the Federal Aviation Administration said the region’s complex and congested airspace, its dense neighborhoods and varying topography makes it “extremely difficult if not impossible” to come up with a single remedy.
Instead, the FAA recommends taking voluntary measures to reduce helicopter noise.
Read MoreSanta Monica stumbles…again
Earlier this month the city council of Santa Monica, California, decided to strike a blow for economic parity by instituting landing fees at the airport. As a former city commissioner of a small city that owns an airport, I can say this about their decision: It’s short-sighted.
As an individual involved in economic development of a region, I can say this: It’s based on ignorance with a hint of malice.
And as an aviation enthusiast who has spent untold thousands of dollars in conjunction with my affection for aviation: It’s idiotic on an industrial scale.
COUNTY BUDGET A FACTOR – Five jobs are on the line at the Arcata-Eureka Airport, including the employee who’s been working to secure a second airline for ACV. Humboldt County Public Works proposed the layoffs to the board of supervisors. “The airport has a severe funding revenue problem,” said Public Works Director Tom Mattson. “Without a new airline this year we’re going to have to tighten our belt.”
Mattson has proposed the cuts be made as 2 Airport Service Workers, a groundskeeper, a building maintenance custodian, and from airport management Program Coordinator Emily Jacobs.
Read MoreBill proposed to reduce nighttime noise at Burbank, Van Nuys airports
Burbank AirportFor those living near Bob Hope and Van Nuys airports, jet noise is a way of life. But it’s the noise at night from 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. that is prompting lawmakers to propose a mandatory curfew. “When you’re standing in your home or you’re standing outside or you’re trying to carry on a conversation or you’re trying to get some sleep, and you hear just how loud those flights are, and how much it makes your house shake, you’ll get a much better appreciation for what we’re talking about,” said Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Burbank).
Is Homeland Security Out of Control?
Column: Pilot is detained for “doing absolutely nothing illegal” – Columnist James Fallows examines the ordeal of private pilot Gabriel Silverstein, who was detained for two hours when he forgot his eyeglass case at an airport in Oklahoma. “Again to put this in perspective for people outside the airplane world, a person who was doing…
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