Posts by Andy Wilson
San Luis Obispo County Regional Airport Terminal Update
County airport could be getting a face lift – FAA has found that the existing terminal violates its standards and is “anxious” for a new terminal to be built
A skittish Board of Supervisors moved its county airport restructuring proposal forward slightly last week, but board members said they want
reassurances that the investment will bring a measurable return.
Santa Monica – The Lunacy Continues
(CalPilots Editor’s Note: It is very interesting that this “plea” to the government emphasizes the government should protect the “Middle Class” from the an extremely small number of extremely rich people and close the airport. If you peel back the layers on this misguided effort, you will discover that it is the very rich who are behind the effort and will benefit from airport closure).
Anti-Airport Groups To Congress: Close Santa Monica Airport Control Tower – Two anti-airport groups have written to the area’s federal representatives in Congress to push for the closure of Santa Monica Airport’s (SMO) air control tower.
Read MoreComing of age
Fuller: FAA sequestration cuts not safe or sensible

Palmdale City Council taking steps for local control of city's airport
Palmdale Mayor Jim Ledford has long dreamed of building his city’s airport into a regional air traffic hub. But two decades into his tenure in office, Palmdale Regional Airport has no commercial flights.
But the City Council is expected to take steps that could begin to change that. Council members are poised to adopt an agreement Wednesday that could eventually give it oversight of key portions of the airport now controlled by the city of Los Angeles through Los Angeles World Airports.
Read MoreCelebrating women in aviation
San Carlos, CA. – Females interested in aviation can get more information at one of a number of events held in San Carlos next week celebrating the Women of Aviation Worldwide Week.
Today, about 6 percent of pilots are female in most developed countries, according to the Institute for Women of Aviation Worldwide. Similarly, the percentage of female aircraft mechanics is less than 3 percent and female aeronautical engineers make up about 9 percent of their field. The week was created in 2010 to encourage “awareness and outreach celebrating women of aviation and their contribution to the betterment of the air and space industry.”
Read MoreHangar One: Bids sought for Moffett Field landmark's restoration
Moffett Blimp HangarThe federal government announced Friday it will seek private bids for the restoration and reuse of Moffett Field’s Hangar One, giving fans of the Depression-era structure a reason to cheer.
The U.S. General Services Administration said in a “notice of intent” that it will issue a request for proposals this spring on behalf of the hangar’s custodian, NASA Ames Research Center.
Read MoreAffected Sequester Airports Serve 150,000 Or Fewer Annual Flights
Airport Executives Association President Says Nearly Half Of The Nation’s Control Towers May Close – Airports with 150,000 or fewer operations per year are in danger of losing their control towers due to sequestration, affecting as many as 168 airports across the country.
Tehachapi City Council Decides to Gamble on Motel Location
Like so many other municipalities, the Tehachapi City Council continues to straddle the fine line between doing the right thing and seeking taxes, in this case in the form of yet another hotel which will be built in an inappropriate airport safety zone.
Tehachapi City Council Decision Will Leave City Liable
Tehachapi – Like so many other municipalities, the Tehachapi City Council continues to straddle the fine line between doing the right thing and seeking taxes, in this case in the form of yet another hotel which will be built in an inappropriate airport safety zone. Mayor Phil Smith was quoted as saying – “We rely…
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