Posts by Andy Wilson
Tehachapi City Council Ignores Hotel in Airport Safety Zone Issue
Tehachapi Airport Tehachapi City Council Denies Hotel Appeal – The Tehachapi City Council held a public hearing denying local airport hanger owner Kenneth Hetge his appeal to halt the construction of a new hotel in Capital Hills. The council made its decision at its Feb. 19 meeting despite hearing from nearly a dozen pilots who supported Hetge’s appeal, citing various incidents of aircraft crashes in other locations and other airport landing and take off related issues.
“I’ve been a pilot all my life,” said George Sandy, “I commend Mr. Hetge for doing his homework. He’s a staunch supporter of aviation.”
Read MoreFCC Floats New 121.5 MHz ELT Ban Proposal
The Federal Communications Commission has revived a plan to ban 121.5 MHz emergency locator transmitters (ELTs) in a proposal that could cost aircraft owners hundreds of millions of dollars.
In the Jan. 30 document, the FCC proposes to discontinue sales of the older-model ELTs and asks for input on whether to allow those already installed in aircraft to continue to be used. Prohibiting use of 121.5 MHz ELTs would force aircraft owners to discard perfectly functional units and replace them at a cost of $1,000 to $1,500 per airplane—regardless of what other tracking technology the pilot uses. AOPA urges pilots and aircraft owners to speak out on how a ban would affect them.
Read MoreSequestration's effects on general aviation
Any sequestration that goes into effect won’t be felt entirely until April 1 because furlough notices must be given one month in advance. Will sequestration last that long? Or longer? Few even hazard guesses at this time, but if it does, what will be the effect on general aviation? The Budget Control Act of 2011…
Read MoreFLIGHT ADVISORY GPS Testing Las Vegas, NV
FLIGHT ADVISORY GPS Testing NAFC GPS 13 – 04 February 26, 2013 – March 15, 2013 Las Vegas, NV This will affect a huge area see URL link for more information
Read MoreMeadowlark Airport – The little airport that was
There is a clue on Warner Avenue near Bolsa Chica: a small street that leads into the shopping center where Ralphs is, next to McDonald’s, called Airport Circle.
Many of you may know what that means, but I’m sure there are also a lot of newcomers that are oblivious (just as I was when I moved here) to the fact that Airport Circle is named that because it was once the entranceway to an intimate little airstrip named Meadowlark Airport.
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Goodbye Rialto Airport – Hello Target
I attended the tenants meeting tonight. Not much to say. The City of Rialto took over the airport in 8/05. The 2008 recession stopped the plan to turn the airport into a mixed development as planned. They had something going for them and got messed up when California eliminated the redevelopment authorities. So they had to get through that and find money from another source. They’ve apparently done that and everything is once again on track. They are in the process of complying with state rules, federal regulations, and Part 49 Code of Federal Regulations.
Lodi Airport and Cafe
Lodi Airport and Cafe – a great place for kids and adults – If you’re looking for a place where kids can experience an airport the way it used to be in the 1940s and 1950s, check out Lodi Airport, located along Highway 99 in Acampo. According to owner Robert Kupka, the airport started in 1929 with one dirt runway which was paved in the 1940s, and in the 1960s a second runway was added. Mr. Kupka purchased the airport in 1978, and since that time has added hangars and outbuildings. The Airport Cafe, newly renovated in 2012, graces the frontage road. The airport and cafe are both open seven days a week.
Angel Flight West Board Welcomes New Directors

San Bernardino Airport – Seeking New Tenants
San Bernardino Airport seeking tenants for developer Scot Spencer’s former terminal – San Bernardino International Airport officials are negotiating with two companies to extend their lease agreements and also preparing to launch a marketing campaign in hopes of attracting a tenant for a hangar previously occupied by a corporate jet refueling facility.
L.A. Unified aviation training center gets Reprieve
L.A. Unified aviation training center gets $100,000 donation – The mechanics vocational school had been facing closure or relocation after 40 years at Van Nuys Airport because of budget cuts and a rent increase. The gift will keep it going at least a year. Read LA Times article
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