Sonoma Valley Airport – Adjacent Land Use Issues


The owner of a small historic airport in Sonoma County is battling with a neighbor over what he can build next door and whether it puts pilots, and the public, at risk. The Sonoma Valley Airport is located off Highway 121 in an area surrounded by vineyards.

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FAA Delays (Portland) Vancouver Airspace Change



California has also experienced the FAA’s “not so friendly general aviation attitude” when the FAA wanted to create an even more confusing airspace in Los Angeles (is that even possible?) due to the complaints of Jet Blue regarding TCAS alerts departing out of Long Beach. Additionally, the FAA’s total lack of concern with the NOAA’s air space grab along the entire west coast left all of us shaking our heads when NOAA could not, and would not, produce evidence which validated the need for further restrictions over wildlife areas.

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Be persistent, but be there


Someone asked me recently what I would say if asked for advice about how to be a good advocate for general aviation. The answer is simple — and it doesn’t matter if the advocacy you intend to do is on behalf of general aviation, a local bowling league, or anything… Read More

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Watsonville Council Postpones Adoption of General Plan Update


watsonvilleThe Watsonville City Council met on Tuesday evening September 25th to adopt the updated General Plan 2030, and the associated recirculated Environmental Impact Report (EIR).

The Watsonville Pilots Association (WPA), the Friends of Buena Vista, and local Sierra Club sued the city after the May 2006 meeting where the council approved the General Plan 2030 despite major opposition.

The issue was over development and encroachment of Watsonville Airport requiring closure of runway 8-26. Not to mention the urban sprawl with the associated environmental problems it would have created.

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City of San Jose – City Council Meeting Sept. 25


Members of the General Aviation Community – Those of us who enjoy flying generally hate doing paperwork. Getting us to write a letter is even tougher unless the cause is either so dire that it would impact us all or it hits so close to home that we are compelled to take action.  I accept this as fact, but after over 14 years of being involved in GA issues at San Jose International and seeing the general aviation community heavily impacted by issues such as 18 years of no new city tenants, non-competitive pricing for parking and fuel, and other issues too numerous to mention, the San Jose City Council has crossed a line.

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Can Santa Monica Airport Be A Benefit To The City?


SMO1As the debate continues about whether Santa Monica Airport (SMO) should be shut down or continue operating as is, one thing is for certain: what happens in thenext 30 months will determine whether or not City Hall may potentially be engaged in a litigious battle with the federal government.

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Runway rules 101


runway signageAs pilots, we tend to focus the majority of our attention to the challenges that await us in the skies. But sometimes the most demanding part of a flight is actually getting to and from the runway.

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Update Underway for SBA Safety Zones


santa-barbara-airportFuture Construction Will Be Affected by Pending Land Use Compatibility Plan.

County officials will draw new lines around the airport in upcoming months, as the Santa Barbara Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP) is due for a major overhaul.

The ALUCP regulates how vacant land around the airport can be developed, making sure all structures are appropriately built to accommodate for the safety of both planes and people. While existing structures will not be affected, business owners and residents in certain zones looking to add to their properties will need to verify that their projects don’t violate the new ALUCP.

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Gustine Approves Airport Project


The City Council last week approved a quarter-million dollar refurbishment of the taxiway areas of the Gustine Municipal Airport, one piece in an ongoing effort to upgrade airfield operations.

The Airport Commission, council and staff are taking a comprehensive look at the airfield to identify projects and priorities, said City Manager Greg Greeson and Assistant City Manager Sean Scully.

The taxiway project was identified as a priority by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), which is funding 90 percent of the cost.

“It is one of the things that FAA had identified that they wanted to see us improve on,” Greeson explained. “As they look at airports, that is one of the areas that is important to them.”

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Airport Authority Loses Court Bid, May Appeal


300px-Norton Air_Force_Base_-_CaliforniaA judge has rejected the Inland Valley Development Agency’s contention that its work redeveloping the former Norton Air Force Base in San Bernardino into a logistics hub and commercial airport made it exempt from a law that dissolved redevelopment agencies statewide.

Judge Lloyd G. Connelly dismissed the IVDA’s lawsuit, siding with the state of California and related agencies that were named as defendants, according to a court order filed Sept. 5.
The IVDA, as well as the Victor Valley Economic Development Authority that has been redeveloping the former George Air Force Base, filed suits earlier this year seeking exemptions from ABx1-26, the Assembly bill that did away with redevelopment agencies. The judge threw out both agencies’ claims.

Both likely will appeal the decision, according to leaders with the agencies.

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