Posts by Andy Wilson
Future of Santa Monica Airport on the November ballot
Two opposing measures to decide the future of Santa Monica Airport (SMO) in southern California will appear on the city ballot in November. The ballot is the latest weapon in what has become a contentious battle over the future of the airport.
Measure D stipulates that voter approval will be required before the airport can be closed or redeveloped. A second measure, LC, will allow the Santa Monica City Council to make decisions about closing the airport and redevelopment without voter approval.
Read MoreNew Airport Manager – Columbia, CA
Columbia, CA – The County has hired Benedict Stuth as the new Tuolumne County Airport Manager. Deputy County Administrator Daniel Richardson says, “We are so excited to have Benedict Stuth on, he is a pleasure to work with. I think the community will enjoy working with him as they get to know him, his enthusiasm is infectious.”
Richardson says Stuth has expressed a strong desire to engage with community partners such as the Tuolumne County Visitor’s Bureau and the Columbia Chamber of Commerce to help expand airport economic development opportunities. The annual Father’s Day Fly-In in June is one of the popular county events held at Columbia Airport.
Read MoreFLIGHT ADVISORY GPS Interference Testing 16-24 Sep, 2014 Hector, CA.
FLIGHT ADVISORY GPS Interference Testing 16-24 Sep, 2014 Hector, CA. Notice Number: NOTC5563 FLIGHT ADVISORY GPS Interference Testing NTC GPS 14 – 09 16-24 Sep, 2014 Hector, CA. Additional information avaliable via download:
Read MoreMonterey Regional Airport
RSA Project Update:
September 16, 2014
Weather Affects Flights at Monterey Regional Airport:
Some flights into and out of Monterey Regional Airport are being affected by weather, specifically the low fog layer. Since some flights could not arrive at the Airport on the foggy nights, there was no airplane on the ground for the early morning flights departing Monterey the next day. There were a number of flights that were delayed as well, but eventually were able to arrive at the Airport.
Read MoreInglewood awarded $10 million for airport noise mitigation from LAX
Congresswoman Maxine Waters announced Thursday that the Federal Aviation Administration has awarded a $10 million grant to the city of Inglewood for residential noise mitigation.
The grant extends funding for the city’s Residential Sound Insulation Program, which provides assistance to Inglewood families to mitigate the impact of noise from aircraft flying into and out of Los Angeles International Airport.
Read MoreAirports Save Lives and Property
The homes were at the bottom of Silverado Canyon, where a fire that erupted earlier in the day had burned through 2 square miles of drought-dried brush in the midst of a heat wave. No residences were immediately threatened, and the evacuation was precautionary, fire officials said. (Check out the pictures)
Read MoreGPS Testing 10 Sep and 12 Sep, 2014 Las Vegas, NV.
FLIGHT ADVISORY GPS Testing 10 Sep and 12 Sep, 2014 Las Vegas, NV. Notice Number: NOTC5552 FLIGHT ADVISORY GPS Testing NAFC GPS 14 – 14 10 Sep and 12 Sep, 2014 Las Vegas, NV. Additional information available for download at:
Read MoreFAA Seeks Comments on Proposed Policy for Non-aeronautical Use of Airport Hangars
Under Federal law, airport operators that have accepted federal grants may use airport property only for aviation-related purposes unless otherwise approved by the FAA. Compliance inspections and audits have found that some hangars intended for aircraft storage are routinely used to store non-aeronautical items such as vehicles and large household items. Non-aviation commercial businesses have also been found operating out of hangars. These uses, unless specifically authorized by the FAA, could place the airport sponsor in violation of their federal obligations.
Official 2014 KR Gathering
Chino, CA – The KR Is The Little Homebuilt Airplane That Sits So Low You Can Almost Step Over It, But In The Sky, It Can Get Up And Go
The Official 2014 KR Gathering will be held on Friday September 5th through Saturday September 7th at Chino, CA, hosted by Steve Glover. You can usually expect about 10 to 20 KRs to fly in for the Gathering, depending on the weather.
Read MoreNASA Ames open house will be first in 17 years
NASA Ames open house will be first in 17 years; free tickets available
MOFFETT FIELD — The NASA Ames Research Center will host its first open house in 17 years next month, giving the public a rare opportunity to see its wind tunnels and “simulated Martian landscape.”
Center operations director Chuck Duff said the open house, which celebrates the center’s 75th anniversary, is an opportunity to share its diverse research projects and missions with the public.
“You can get a really unique aspect into NASA by coming to Ames,” he said. “It’s really quite an amazing place for the wide variety, from aeronautics to space technology.”
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