CalPilots Response to Scottsdale Airport Commissioner Firing


It is unfortunate that Mayor Lane believes that when it comes to airport commission decisions it is his way or the highway. An airport commission is tasked with determining a balance between what is good for the community as well as the airport. And Mayor, in case you weren’t aware of it, the airport is good for the community.

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Judge dismisses FBO group's injunction request


A ruling by a federal judge in California allowed the Center for Environmental Health (CEH) to proceed with a lawsuit against FBOs and avgas distributors under state law, but did not address the businesses’ claim that federal law preempts state regulations on avgas, the National Air Transportation Association (NATA) announced.

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Ventura County Hopeful Extended Runway Leads to Growth at Oxnard Airport


At 7:00 a.m. on October 27, 2011, Oxnard Airport opened with a new landing distance of 5,500 feet.  This new distance, an increase of 924 feet over the previous landing distance, is important for the airport because it maximizes the available runway pavement for landing, enhances safety and brings the airport into compliance with FAA standards, all while minimizing any negative impacts to the community surrounding the airport.

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