Aviation Interest


Be persistent, but be there

Someone asked me recently what I would say if asked for advice about how to be a good advocate for general aviation. The answer is simple — and it doesn’t matter if the advocacy you intend to do is on behalf of general aviation, a local bowling league, or anything… Read More

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Runway rules 101

runway signageAs pilots, we tend to focus the majority of our attention to the challenges that await us in the skies. But sometimes the most demanding part of a flight is actually getting to and from the runway.

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Saving General Aviation

General Aviation News recently published the following guest editorial from the newest CalPilots’ board members, Jolie Lucas and Mitch Latting…Editor Recently a critic of ours said that we “fly around the country acting like they are the saviors of general aviation.” As we thought about this criticism, we had to admit there is some truth…

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During September 2012, the Department of the Navy will conduct an amphibious operations training exercise along the shoreline and within facilities associated with Marine Corps Base, Camp Pendleton, California. This exercise is essential to train Navy and Marine Corps units in planning, coordination and execution of amphibious landings and sea-to-shore operations. The exercises will include intensive, hazardous military aviation, and ground fire activities to include artillery live fire.

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Mojave – XCOR Announces Cockpit Manufacturer


Mojave, CA – XCOR Aerospace announced Tuesday that the Lynx Mark I suborbital reusable launch vehicle (RLV) carbon fiber cockpit will be manufactured by AdamWorks of Centennial, Colorado. Read more about one of the companies that you will get a chance to tour if you attend CalPilot’s Annual Meeting – Meet Us in Mojave!

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AB 511 Signed – Forces Federal Safety Standards for Ag-Flying Aircraft

Governor Signs Yamada Bill That Strengthens Protections For Agricultural Pilots – AB 511 requires wind energy companies to conform to federal safety standards for low-flying aircraft

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General Aviation Goes To Political Conventions

rnc2012logoFor the first time, the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association and the National Business Aviation Association teamed to hold events at the two national party conventions. The goal: Schmoozing politicos to hold high the flag of general aviation.

I attended the first, at the Republican National Convention in Tampa on Tuesday, Aug. 28, to see if AOPA held to its long-time non-partisanship — and to see if anyone would show up!

Boy did they. By 6 p.m., the place was packed. AOPA officials were thrilled with a turnout that included several members of Congress. AOPA members in Florida had also been invited to see their association in action. A pleasant (and valuable) surprise was the strong participation of AOPA members from other states who were, in fact, convention delegates. Event sponsors thought they had made their mark.

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Building young minds, building confidence, building a biplane

STOCKTON – Stephen Foster stood beside the skeletal wood frame of a single-seat airplane Thursday afternoon in the auto shop at Weber Institute of Technology in downtown Stockton. A dozen students stood nearby, watching intently and listening as their teacher discussed the parts of the plane and the functions of the various gauges on the instrument panel.

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FAA To Establish TFR Over Reno, Nv On Tuesday 21st

A NOTAM has been issued that will restrict flight in the area during President Obama’s planned visit.

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Services Help on Wildfires In Southern California

After three days of fighting the Jawbone Complex Fire, 129th aircrews have performed more than 120 bucket drops for a total of 58,000 gallons of water dropped. Each bucket drop is approximately 500 gallons.

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