Aviation Interest



GPS Testing
NTC GPS 11-02E
March 16, 2012 – March 21, 2012
Fort Irwin, CA

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GPS Testing Notification – Beatty, NV

Through March 16, 2012 – Beatty, NV

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New Issue of FAA Safety Briefing

The March/April 2012 issue of FAA Safety Briefing is now available and supports the safety outreach efforts of the FAASTeam’s 3rd Annual Safety Standdown.

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Map of airports with autogas now online

Thanks to GAfuels blogger Dean Billing, a map of all the airports that offer lead-free, ethanol-free autogas is now available at this link.

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Lawsuit Against EPA on Aircraft Lead Emissions

Lawsuit Against EPA on Aircraft Lead Emissions Fails to Consider Actions Already Underway – Members of the General Aviation (GA) Avgas Coalition say that a lawsuit filed against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) by the environmental group Friends of the Earth (FOE) over piston-engine aircraft’s use of leaded aviation gasoline (avgas) is not taking into consideration the considerable work already completed toward the development and deployment of an unleaded solution. 

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Columbia and Pine Mountain Lake Airport Have Rental Cars

Traveling to Columbia Airport or Pine Mountain Lake Airport and need a rental car? A new service is now available. 

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New VFR Transponder Code for Gliders

Sail_planeThe FAA has changed the VFR transponder code for gliders, effective March 7. Use of the new code, 1202, is intended to help air traffic controllers differentiate gliders, with their unique maneuvering capabilities and limitations, from other VFR aircraft.

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New VFR Transponder Code for Gliders

In a notice issued on March 7, 2012, the FAA will now offer transponder code 1202 for glider pilots to use when not in contact with ATC. The new code will help ATC differentiate gliders, which have unique flight and maneuvering limitations, from other VFR traffic.

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Senator Schumer Slips Helo Flight Restrictions in Highway Bill

CalPilots Editors Note: It appears that NY Senator Schumer believes it is okay for him to circumvent the FAA process. We believe that Congress should not be allowed to micro manage the FAA by allowing this type of “closed doors backroom” behavior. The very same thing that happened when a California Senator snuck in a amendment to allow the closure of Rialto Airport in SOCAL.

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Jet Fuel Taxes Being Deposited In Highway Trust Fund

 – (CalPilots Editor’s Note: Perhaps the reason the government wants to charge user fees is because it is siphoning money from aviation to the highway fund)

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