Aviation Regulation

Airport Planning Laws Are Up For Repeal

California’s Seminal Airport Land Use Compatibility Planning Laws Are Up For Repeal

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Closure of Waldo Lake, OR – Comments requested

Oregon State Marine Board revisiting Closure of Waldo Lake-Comments requested – CalPilots Editors Note: The Columbia Seaplane Pilots Association requests your help.

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First Try "FAA: Ditch The 3rd Class Medical Petition", Denied

AOPA and EAA are expected to advance their own soon

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West Coast Sanctuary Overflight Now a Dangerous Gamble

Pilots could face stiff fines—up to six figures—for violating new overflight regulations that place the National Airspace System on a slippery slope. The FAA has ceded to another federal agency—the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration—authority to enforce what amount to new airspace restrictions.

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FAA Charts to Reflect Overflight Restrictions for West Coast Sanctuaries

The new 2012 FAA VFR aeronautical charts are being updated to provide additional information for aircraft operations in the vicinity of Monterey Bay, Channel Islands, Gulf of the Farallones, and Olympic Coast National Marines Sanctuaries.

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Aircraft Registration Deadline

In July 2010, the FAA published a final rule that establishes specific registration expiration dates over a three-year period for all U.S. civil aircraft registered before October 1, 2010, and requires re-registration of those aircraft according to a specific schedule.

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Clarification: IFR Currency Requirements

  – Notice Number: NOTC3489

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Judge dismisses FBO group's injunction request

A ruling by a federal judge in California allowed the Center for Environmental Health (CEH) to proceed with a lawsuit against FBOs and avgas distributors under state law, but did not address the businesses’ claim that federal law preempts state regulations on avgas, the National Air Transportation Association (NATA) announced.

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Long Beach Class C Meetings – Second Iteration

The FAA has scheduled two (additional) informal airspace meetings on Oct. 25 and 26 2011 in its an effort to establish Class C airspace for the now-Class D airspace in Long Beach, Calif.

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Long Beach Airport airspace plan – Latest from FAA

Long Beach Airport airspace plan relieves South Bay pilots –

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