Douglas Park Project Residential- Long Beach Airport
By Andy Wilson |
Via FAX and U.S. Mail
October 15, 2004
Honorable Beverly O’Neill
Mayor, City of Long Beach
Livermore Municipal Airport
By Andy Wilson |
Friday, October 15, 2004
Citizens noisy over airport
Committee seeks to include all viewpoints over expansion of Livermore facility
By Mike White
The Tri-Valley (CA) Herald
LIVERMORE — The committee seeking to make recommendations on expanding the Livermore Municipal Airport has agreed on ways to express both majority and minority viewpoints, as well as opinions somewhere in between.
Agents Checking Smaller Airports
By Andy Wilson |
Thursday, October 14, 2004
Agents checking smaller airports
The San Diego (CA) North County Times
NORTH COUNTY —- A federal homeland security effort to deter the smuggling of illegal immigrants through airports in San Diego and Imperial counties includes the McClellan-Palomar Airport in Carlsbad, officials said Wednesday.
Truckee Airport
By Andy Wilson |
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Don’t blame the airport
By Janna S. Caughron
The Truckee (CA) Sierra Sun
Robie Wilson Litchfield’s letter of last week (“Airport planning done in vacuum” Sierra Sun Oct. 1) pushed my launch button. Ms. Litchfield, a member of the Town of Truckee Planning Commission, states that the “airport’s master plan … shortchanged the environmental review process and refused to consider the impact of increased aircraft operations on the communities below the flight path.”
San Carlos Airport Encroachment
By Andy Wilson |
October 11, 2004
Mr. Clyde Morris
San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Complex
P.O. Box 524
Newark, CA 94560
Re: Inner Bair Island Restoration and Management Plan, DEIS/EIR
Airspace Gridlock? Will there be room for GA?
By Andy Wilson |
In 2002, recognizing the importance of air transportation to the vitality of the US economy, the President appointed a Commission on the Future of the US Aerospace Industry to evaluate the industry and postulate its future.
Burbank CA. -Bob Hope Airport Expansion
By Andy Wilson |
Saturday, October 9, 2004
Activists seek airport plan Expansion opponents say master plan is required, but Airport Authority and government officials say it’s not necessary.
By Mark R. Madler
The Burbank (CA) Leader
AIRPORT DISTRICT – Activists opposing Bob Hope Airport expansion say it needs a master plan to guide future development, but airport officials and the federal government disagree.
Arcata-Eureka Airport
By Andy Wilson |
Thursday, October 7, 2004
Work on landing system blamed for delays at Arcata-Eureka Airport
The Associated Press
McKINLEYVILLE, Calif. Work on improving the landing system at Arcata-Eureka Airport is being blamed for recent cancellations and delays at the airport.
Long Beach Airport
By Andy Wilson |
Thursday, October 7, 2004
Council Members Want Airport Guiding Principles
By Harry Saltzgaver
The Grunion Gazette, Long Beach (CA)
After ducking and dodging for more than a year, City Council members – at least some of them – appear ready to start making decisions about what the Long Beach Airport should be in the future.
Hesperia Airport
By Andy Wilson |
The airport’s restaurant is now open 7 days a week. MILE HIGH CAFE (at the Hesperia Airport) Owners: Benny and Michele Breakfast – Lunch 6 a.m. to 3 p.m. (7 days a week) (760) 947-8844 phone (760) 947-3878 fax