FAA NPRM 4521 Comments Deadline March 5th!
By Andy Wilson |
Dear Fellow Oceanside Airport Association Member [or other aviation enthusiast],
The future of our ability to take a ride in a vintage aircraft is in jeopardy. The FAA wants to put new rules on operators of vintage aircraft under the guise of enhanced safety. It is my understanding that these new rules will have the effect of putting several hundred operators out of business–this would include the nice Ford Tri-Motor that attended the last OAA BBQ.
President Bush is Alienating the Aviation Community
By Andy Wilson |
Editorial by Jay White, President California Pilots Association
President Bush is causing serious disruptions of aviation operations by imposing flight restrictions and prohibitions.
CPM Organizes a Users' Group
By Andy Wilson |
On Feb 21, 2004 a group consisting of users of the Compton/Woodley Airport met and decided to organize. Their plan is for a minimal number of meetings (two a year) unless the membership wants additional meetings. Also, to run a “no dues” operation, it will depend on electronic communication so as to eliminate paperwork and postage
Carlsbad/Palomar Airport
By Andy Wilson |
Our members are concerned that the proposed Bressi Ranch residential development under the traffic pattern for Carlsbad/Palomar Airport would adversely affect and jeopardize the airport’s future. The airport must be preserved if future generations of the region are to enjoy an effective air transportation facility. Read entire letter and response below.
It's Chico not Chino
By Andy Wilson |
The North Valley Pilots Association (chapter of the CPA) invites California Pilots looking for a great day trip to fly into historic Ranchaero Airport (O23), in Chico, California. Situated 1.5 miles from beautiful downtown Chico, this public-use airport has been in existence since 1946.
Evergreen Aviation Museum
By Andy Wilson |
Evergreen Aviation Museum Opens Interactive Learning Center
California Airport Hot Spots
By Andy Wilson |
Here are the California Airport Hot Spots for February 2004.
Oceanside Pilots' Pancake Breakfast a Success
By Andy Wilson |
PANCAKE BREAKFAST February 7, 2004 a big Success
Over 200 persons attended a pancake breakfast sponsored by the Oceanside Airport Association. That was 125 more than attended the last event. Plans are being made to have more pancake grilling capacity at the next event.
Good Tax News for California's Historical Aircraft Owners
By Andy Wilson |
The California Board of Equalization has agreed to honor the request of California Pilots Association in assisting owners of historical aircraft who wish to maintain their tax exempt status.