Victorville Airport Authority to Default on Bonds


Southern Logistics VictorvilleVICTORVILLE – The Southern California Logistics Airport Authority announced Thursday that it plans on issuing a notice to its bondholders informing them the authority expects to be $2.9 million shy of its debt obligation come Dec. 1.

“The default has been anticipated by SCLAA largely due to legislative maneuvers by the state of California to shift redevelopment funds and eliminate redevelopment agencies to satisfy the state’s budgetary shortfalls,” said Victorville Mayor Ryan McEachron, who is SCLAA chairman, in a statement Thursday.

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Stockton City Council Ignores Land Fill Caused Airport Bird Issues


stockton landfill

Sully’s take on landfill expansion: For the birds

STOCKTON – A pilot who knows a thing or two about bird strikes is condemning the proposed expansion of a large landfill near Stockton Metropolitan Airport, saying it would be “stupid” to increase the risk of a collision.

Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger was sitting in the captain’s chair on Jan. 15, 2009, when his U.S. Airways jet plowed through a flock of migrating geese, lost both engines and landed on the Hudson River in New York.

All 155 passengers and crew survived in what was christened the “Miracle on the Hudson.”

Sullenberger did a lot of things right in the 208 seconds between collision and splashdown. But he admits he was lucky too – skies were clear and the strike happened during the daytime, making a river landing much easier.

“We can’t rely on miracles,” he said in an interview Monday. “Having a landfill near an airport is just an incredibly bad idea. You’re creating a risk where one did not exist before.”

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