Posts by Andy Wilson
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In order to prevent web-bots from registering on this site, we need to you type in the answer to the following question. (Hint: the answer is “California“). What U.S. state does the California Pilots Association represent? {loadposition jrpassphrase}
Read MorePromoting…
…California”s general aviation airports as important economic and infrastructure assets of the state and local communities
Read MoreHealdsburg Airport Users – Airport Meeting
Calling all Healdsburg Airport Users – The Healdsburg City Council is planning on allowing public comment period at the October 7 meeting regarding Healdsburg airport use and the proposed update to the flight school lease. The neighbors are coming out in strength against the airport and the flight school. A few local pilots are planning on…
Read MorePreserving…
…California”s extensive general aviation history and resources
Read MoreProtecting…
…California”s general aviation community and airports since 1949
Read MoreCalifornia Dreamin’
California Dreamin’, the California Pilots Association (CalPilots) Annual Meeting, is coming to the San Luis Jet Center (KSBP), Oct. 18-19.
Read MorePalo Alto Airport Assoc Seeks Help for Airport Day
AIRPORT DAY IS SEPTEMBER 29, AND WE NEED YOUR HELP! – Planning is well underway for AD13. The County will still be operating the airport but will not have the tenant appreciation dinner that kicked off the event in the past. Its level of support during the event has yet to be determined. As the city continues to work toward the takeover, AD13 is an ideal way to communicate to residents its value and importance.
San Joaquin County Supervisors Vote Down Landfill Expansion
California Pilots Association Director Andy Wilson presented the California Pilots Association position regarding the Stockton refuse expansion before the San Joaquin Board of Supervisors On Tues Sept 24, 2013.
The landfill is located directly under the glide path approximately one mile from the end of the Stockton Airport’s runway 29.
The California Pilots Association also testified before the ALUC that the landfill was inconsistent with the operation of the Stockton Airport
The California Pilots Association then testified before the San Joaquin Board of Supervisors recommended that they not approve the FEIR and also recommend they not overrule the ALUC’s determination.
Read MoreMcClellan-Palomar Airport Runway Expansion
Airport improvements could boost economy – CARLSBAD – An expansion of the McClellan-Palomar Airport runway in Carlsbad could generate millions in economic benefits to the region, according to wide-ranging study set to be approved next week by the county board of supervisors.
The 500-page feasibility study recommends extending the 4,897-foot runway by 900 feet, which would help airplanes using the airport make longer flights and help to reduce noise problems.
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