CalPilots Message; CalPilots CalDART Separate


Dear CalPilots Members, We want to advise you of a change in the organization effective January 1, 2022. On that date, CalPilots and CalDART will separate and CalDART will no longer be a subsidiary of CalPilots. Both organizations have executed a divestiture agreement and are separating on good terms. Why did this happen? CalPilots/CalDART operated…

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CalPilots Supports bringing Unleaded Fuel to Reid Hillview Airport


PRESS RELEASE August 16, 2021 For more Information Contact Doug Rice Region 3 VP: 408 390 5824  CalPilots, the statewide pilot’s organization dedicated to protecting and preserving airports, is pleased to announce our support of the efforts of CAAPSO (Community and Airport Partnership for Safe Operations) and the pilots of Reid Hillview Airport to bring…

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How FAA Grants Benefit Airports and the whole Community


Dunsmuir’s Mott Airport has been revived just in time to stage aircraft for Lava Fire fight Mt. Shasta Area Newspapers Many dignitaries involved with the $3.2 million Mott Airport project in Dunsmuir gathered June 23 for a ribbon cutting ceremony of the airport’s newly rehabilitated runway – just in time for the space to be…

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CalPilot’s Redland Chapter Fly In Supports Stovepipe Wells Airport

CalPilot’s Redland Chapter Fly In Supports Stovepipe Wells Airport There are two airports operated by the National Park service (NPS) within Death Valley National Park. These include Furnace Creek (L06) and Stovepipe Wells (L09). These provide great access to the park to the general aviation flying community. Death Valley National Park is a long way…

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