HMB High School Student Flight Training Scholarship
By Andy Wilson |
Upwind 2013 Winners Eric Dasmalchi (L) and Matt Moropoulos(R) Credit Courtesy of UpwindEric Dasmalchi of Half Moon Bay will begin a flight-training program in April as a recipient of the Upwind Summer Scholarship. wo local young aviators are recipients of scholarships that will help them obtain their private pilot licenses.
Eric Dasmalchi of Half Moon Bay and Matt Moropoulos of Belmont were recently selected as winners of the 2013 Upwind Summer Scholarship program.
These aspiring young aviators have been awarded a complete primary flight -training program that begins with ground school in April and continues with flight training once the academic school year is completed, according to a statement released by Upwind.Is GA Under Attack by the White House?
By Andy Wilson |
CalPilots Editor’s Note: AOPA’s strongest words regarding sequester to date – “GA is under assault, and we have every reason to believe the next attack is coming soon”.
Sequestration May Threaten California Commercial Aviation Economy
By Andy Wilson |
White House and Congress Continue to Play Politics with Aviation Safety
By Andy Wilson |
FAA plan to close towers a ‘flawed policy assault on pilots’ – DUPAGE, Ill. — A federal plan to impose across-the-board spending cuts by closing 149 active control towers nationwide will compromise air safety and “should not stand,” according to Craig Fuller, president and CEO of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA). “The White House…
Pressure Mounts on Unnecessary Sequester Tower Closure
By Andy Wilson |
Blumenthal Blames FAA for Airport Control Tower Closures; Says they’re Unnecessary – HARTFORD, Conn. – A group of U.S. Senators is working to keep the airport control towers from closing due to a lack of funding under sequester cuts. (CalPilots Editor’s Note: There are numerous articles such as this one, so it is obvious that Congress is putting the pressure on the Administration as well as themselves, to deal with this “political game of chicken” they are engaged in).
You can make a difference
By Andy Wilson |
General Aviation News Staff – Hangared at the Portland-Troutdale Airport (TTD) in Oregon, I got involved when I found out that a power generating plant, proposed for a site less than a half mile from runway centerline would seriously hamper operations at the airport by creating a fog plume from its cooling towers, as well as locating a dangerous, high velocity, high temperature thermal plume directly beneath the north pattern.
FAA to announce final [Sequester Tower closure] list Monday
By Andy Wilson |
(CalPilots Editor’s Note: Airline served ATC Towers are also included – therefore, the current Administration and Congress had better figure it out and soon) – SACRAMENTO, Calif. (KCRA) —Two Sacramento airports will find out Monday whether their air traffic control towers will face closure and reduced service due to federal budget cuts.
Sacramento International Airport was listed by the FAA among more than 60 airports nationwide to lose overnight staffing of the tower.
Sacramento Executive Airport was named along with Stockton Municipal airport on the list to have their towers closed.
The FAA announced 238 airports that may have their towers closed.
The next president of AOPA
By Andy Wilson |
As the search for the next president of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association kicks off, AOPA Chairman Bill Trimble reached out to members with a detailed description of who they are looking for: “The candidate must be an outgoing, passionate aviator who believes in the critical value GA brings to our country and citizens….
AD for Piper PA-28, PA-32, PA-34, and PA-44
By Andy Wilson |