Aviation Interest


Lawmakers Call for Federal Intervention on Avgas Suit

Several members of the U.S. House of Representatives have signed a letter to Department of Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, FAA Administrator Randy Babbitt, and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Administrator Lisa Jackson

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Long Beach – AOPA to Hold Regional Flight Training Meeting

You are invited to participate in an AOPA-hosted aviation community meeting on Tuesday, August 9 in Long Beach, California.

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Deadline for Comments to FCC on LightSquared's Petition is July 30

The Aircraft Electronics Association (AEA) is urging — and guiding — GPS users to actively participate in defending GPS from the potential interference of proposed wireless broadband services.

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Tell Congress NO User Fees (Taxes) on GA

As we reported to you the other day, as part of discussions between Members of Congress and the Administration on a potential solution to our nation’s deficit challenges, Members are still discussing the possibility of reinvigorating a greatly harmful “user fee” tax on our businesses and groups that depend on general aviation. 

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FOSMO to Welcome World Aviator, Wei Chen

Santa Monica Airport – Friends Of Santa Monica Airport to Welcome Around the World Aviator, Wei Chen, to Historic Santa Monica Airport

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NTSB/EAA Experimental Aircraft Safety Study

The NTSB with the support of EAA has launched a study to evaluate and improve the safety of amateur-built experimental aircraft, beginning with an online survey. Nearly 15 percent of general aviation aircraft (33,000 of 224,000) in the U.S. fall into the amateur-built experimental classification, the NTSB says.

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Watsonville Municipal Airport Manager to Retire

WATSONVILLE – Watsonville Municipal Airport Manager Don French will retire in December, ending a career with the city that’s spanned four decades.

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Inappropriate Development Around Airports Happens Everywhere

California isn’t the only state where money reins instead of safety around airports – read this article on the proposal in N.C.

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Owens Valley’s World-Class Soaring

Finding Their Bliss– Fresh on the heels of Gordon Boettger’s recent, record-setting soaring adventures, more than 50 glider pilots converged on the Eastern Sierra Regional Airport in recent weeks to similarly take advantage of the Owens Valley’s world-class soaring conditions.

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California’s Air Heritage

Aviation was introduced to California — and Californians were introduced to aviation — via a spectacular 11-day event held at Dominguez Ranch outside of Los Angeles in January 1910.

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