Aviation Interest



Sound Advice – Listen to the Little Voice
ASRS report narratives frequently contain references to a “little voice” that offers timely advice. The voice, of course, resides within the mind of the reporter and is usually the voice of experience or sometimes just the “vocalization” of a gut feeling. While it is possible to get through some situations despite what a little voice is telling us, the following reports show that the voice usually has something important to say.

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FAAST – Landing Safety Tip

During the landing roll, wheel barrowing can occur if you touch down on the main wheels and the nose wheel simultaneously while holding excessive speed, and then add forward pressure to the yoke. Wheel barrowing will not occur if the pilot maintains the correct speed, and touches down main wheels first, then gently lowers the nose wheel.

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Compton-Woodley Airport Pilot Proficiency – FAAST program 2-19-11

What is your proficiency when it comes to flying in today’s airspace? Weather minimums and clearance from clouds – is it that you should be 500′ above a cloud deck and 1000′ below? Or is it 500′ below and 1000′ above that are the minimums. Compton is Class G airspace. How many really know what that means to our flying here? At our membership meeting, Pat Carey, a member of the FAA’s FAAST Team and local pilot examiner (and maybe his sidekick Robin McCall) will give us a briefing on the FAA’s WINGS program.

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NPRM FAA-2010-1127 due 2-17-11 … Pilot Photo Certificate

The comment period closes on 17 Feb. That is tomorrow. You can go to www.regulations.govand search for docket# FAA-2010-1127. It wilol show some 300+ comments. Click on rule to submit directly.

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Misuse of the Legal System – Deep Pockets Against Balloonist

California ranch steps up legal campaign against ballooning
A private olive ranch in California has stepped up its legal campaign against ballooning by subpoenaing customers of hot-air balloon companies. “We don’t want somebody going for a $200 ride with us getting embroiled in a $150,000-plus lawsuit,” said balloonist Dennis Barrett. JCM Farming has filed lawsuits against more than a dozen balloon companies. The Desert Sun (Palm Springs, Calif.)

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Safety Tip: Airport Surface Deviations

January ASD Safety Tip

Are you a pilot who has vehicle access to your local airport? Perhaps you are an aircraft maintenance technician or an airport employee who has to use vehicles or tugs on the airport movement area? Do you know what one of the major causes of Runway Incursions is? If you guessed vehicle/pedestrian deviations then you are correct!

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FAAST – Pilot Deviation Safety Tip

Notice Number: NOTC2781
Some confusion exists as to what a pilot is supposed to do when a “Cleared as Filed” clearance is issued by ATC from an airport, but no Departure Procedure (DP) is assigned in the clearance. ATC at some airports may not issue a Departure Procedure as part of the clearance.

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SOCAL Pilot's 10 Year Odyssey

Robert Gannon turned 60 in September, and he thinks it is time to come home and settle down.So on Jan. 8 at noon, Gannon will land his 42-year-old Cessna 182, Lucky Lady Too, at Gillespie Field in El Cajon to complete an incredible 10-year odyssey that has taken them to 155 countries and all 50 states.

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PIREPS: Pilot Reports Revisited

At the beginning of their flying careers, most pilots quickly learn the value of PIREPS – “pilot reports” of actual inflight weather conditions that are provided by pilots, for other pilots. These near real-time weather reports help pilots anticipate inflight conditions, verify forecasts, and fill in the weather picture while en route.

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ADIZ, TFR, and Intercept Procedures Briefing

ADIZ, TFR, and Intercept Procedures Briefing

Notice Number: NOTC2755

The United States Air Force has produced a briefing document to acquaint pilots with the basics of operating in and around Air Defense Identification Zones (ADIZ) and Temporary Flight Restrictions (TFRs). This briefing also includes a summary of intercept procedures that pilots should know.

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