Aviation Interest


General Aviation Faces Challenges

Drew Steketee celebrates attention to the 65th birthday of postwar general aviation in the U.S., but writes the industry may face post-boom years ahead. “Declining government budgets, lagging public interest and ever-more-critical taxpayers will test GA and its airports for sure,” writes Steketee. General Aviation News

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Flabob Airport, Riverside, CA – Recycling to renew aviation

Members of the Thomas Wathen Foundation at Flabob Airport (RIR) in Riverside, Calif., have a new recycling project: They collect aviation magazines from a variety of local pilots and enthusiasts and then deliver them to 22 different schools. Read more…

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Northern California Business Aviation Association Formed

The business aviation community in Northern California has established the Northern California Business Aviation Association. Read more…

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Santa's Checkride

Santa Claus, like all pilots, is required to receive an annual checkride from a FAA evaluator.

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CALPILOTS Annual Meeting Nov 13th – Be there!

Don’t forget to come to our Annual Meeting being held at the Hyatt which is connected to the Long Beach Convention Center where AOPA Summit is being held. We will be located in the Seaview Room A which is downstairs from registration at the Hyatt. (read the details above). Note: You do not need to…

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Oceano Airport Advocate Receives AOPA Award

A self-described “Mooney Girl” is this year’s recipient of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association’s (AOPA’s) Joseph Crotti Award for service to general aviation (GA) in California. Jolie Lucas, founder of the Mooney Ambassadors, was honored for her work to protect Oceano Airport (L52) in San Luis Obispo County.

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New FAA Safety Briefing Focuses on Handling Abnormal Situations

Now available online, the November/December 2010 issue of FAA Safety Briefing focuses on a subject fundamental to pilot safety: how to handle abnormal and emergency situations. The issue stresses the delicate art of planning for the unplanned and outlines several tools and resources pilots can draw upon to handle emergencies.

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CALPILOTS Annual Meeting 2010

2010 CALPILOTS Annual Meeting Get Informed, Become Involved Each year that AOPA holds its Aviation Summit in California, the California Pilots Association hosts a booth (1451) in the Summit’s non-profit section, and holds our annual meeting as part of Summit. This year’s meeting will not disappoint – we have lined up some great speakers and…

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2010 CALPILOTS Advocates of the Year Award

2010 Airport Advocates of the Year – The California Pilots Association is pleased to announce the recipients of the California Pilots Association 2010 Airport Advocates of the Year Award.

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Sign the petition to preserve Mogas

The GAfuels Blog is written by two private pilots concerned about the future availability of fuels for piston-engine aircraft: Dean Billing, Sisters, Ore., an expert on autogas and ethanol, and Kent Misegades, Cary, N.C., an aerospace engineer and aviation journalist.

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