Brent Blue tackles the FAA’s stance on TTF
By Andy Wilson |
“Brent Blue is my hero.” So says Hal Shevers, GA icon, founder of Sporty’s Pilot Shop, and developer of Sandy’s Farm, a new airpark at the Clermont County/Sporty’s Airport (I69) in Cincinnati, Ohio. He’s talking about Dr. Brent Blue, founder of and the man many credit with getting the FAA’s residential through the fence…
Nut Tree Land Development in Question
By Andy Wilson |
November 9, 2010 – California Pilots Association Director Andy Wilson and I attended, and presented at another public meeting regarding expanding a major development adjacent to the Nut Tree Airport (VCB) that would reduce the level of safety around the airport to unacceptable levels, and also diminish the future viability of the airport.
Hollister Airport – Open Letter to San Benito County ALUC
By Andy Wilson |
Open letter to San Benito Airport Land Use Commission on ill advised decision to approve Flea Market land use proposal on the edge of the runway 31 runway protection zone (RPZ).
The Catalina Island Conservancy
By Andy Wilson |
The Catalina Island Conservancy is announcing their official FaceBook page for the Catalina Airport. The Catalina Island Conservancy hopes this will be a useful tool, and allow aviators and enthusiasts to enjoy seeing updated pictures and videos while adding some of their own adventures. They are also working to get a “picture of the day”…
Big Wave Wellness Center Development Incompatible
By Andy Wilson |
Half Moon Bay, CA. – Residential development near [Half Moon Bay] airport an ‘unnecessary risk’
A proposed residential development that would place dwelling units within a short distance of aircraft movements in Half Moon Bay, Calif., remains “a prime example of non-compatible land use adjacent to an airport,” AOPA said in comments to local planning authorities Oct. 26.
Vacaville City Planner Pushes Development too Close to Airport
By Andy Wilson |
Safety first? Not here
Airline pilots, corporate pilots, general aviation pilots, air traffic controllers and concerned residents packed the Vacaville Planning Commission meeting on Tuesday evening at Vacavile City Hall.
AOPA Urges Rejection of ‘Incompatible’ Development 1,000' from Vacaville Runway
By Andy Wilson |
Vacaville, CA. – AOPA urges rejection of ‘incompatible’ development 1,000 feet from runway
AOPA is urging officials in Vacaville, Calif., to heed warnings about safety at the Nut Tree Airport and reject a plan that would put a high-density residential development within 1,000 feet of the end of the runway.
Edwards Allows One Day GA Event
By Andy Wilson |
Edwards Air Force base in California welcomed almost 100 general aviation aircraft to the Flight Test Nation 2010 Lakebed Fly-In on Oct. 1. The fly-in marked the first time general aviation aircraft landed at base. Bill Koukourikos, Fly-In director, said the base wanted to “foster closer ties with the civilian aviation community and tell the…
Check for Political TFR's
By Andy Wilson |
Election time is upon us which means that politicians will be flying all over the place thereby closing airspace, and mucking up aircraft operations and travel. Don’t forget to check for TFR’s. You can easily do so by checking the links in the left column of this home page, under Flight Planning.
SB1141 Requiring Airport Land Use Commissions Vetoed
By Andy Wilson |
Governor Schwarzenegger vetoed SB 1141 (McLeod) requiring Airport Land Use Commissions.