Flying Friendly Response
By Andy Wilson |
Letter to the Editor VIA E-MAIL
I just read Robert A. Wiswell?s letter (Flying Friendly) in the Nov/Dec 2003 issue. I have never read anything so outrageous in my time as a pilot. Mr. Wiswell knows that according to existing case law, any noise mitigation measure must be reasonable, non-arbitrary and non-discriminatory. Yet with full knowledge of this key point, he purposely omits it from his letter and instead hopes to intimidate pilots into thinking that unless we unconditionally cooperate with unreasonable, arbitrary and discriminatory noise abatement measures and generally acquiesce, airports will impose more drastic restrictions or even close.
A Brief Overview of Vision 100 ? Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act
By Andy Wilson |
After months of Congressional wrangling, President Bush signed Vision 100-Century of Aviation Reauthorization Act into law on December 13, 2003. This Act was also known as the FAA Reauthorization Bill. It is designed to strengthen America?s aviation sector, provide needed authority to the FAA, and enhance the safety of the traveling public.
Yuba CIty Airport Getting a Boost
By Andy Wilson |
When Alan Foreman, an avid general aviation pilot, retired from “the corporate life,” he decided it was time to invest in his own aviation business. “I live here in Northern California, just outside Placerville,” he said. “I was looking for an opportunity, and (Yuba County) was the first one that came along.”
Foreman, who owns Red Carpet Aviation Services, is the fixed-base operator, or FBO, at the airport. He and his small crew essentially run the airport under a 10-year lease with the county. He’s in his second year.
Update Hollister Airport Insurance Requirement
By Andy Wilson |
In this case, CPA Sr. Vice-President Doug Rice recommended the association monitor the situation but not take any action. In talking to several pilots based at Hollister, he discovered that the situation relates to a few specific users rather than the entire airport community.
It is unclear if the situation is politically motivated against individuals or the airport, but in any case the city council used poor judgment in allowing a single member to render a professional opinion to the council. The councilman?s comments to the media were inflammatory and are more appropriate for uninsured/under-insured drivers, since driving a car is also a privilege, not a right. In this case, the city council and city manager exercised poor judgment as there was a clear conflict of interest and the council member should have recused himself from the issue.
Post-Earthquake Airlift
By Andy Wilson |
President’s Corner Nov/Dec 2003
California is earthquake country. The General Aviation fleet can provide the quickest mode of transportation following an earthquake. That was demonstrated after the Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989 and the Northridge earthquake in 1994. Volunteer pilots provided the first airlift emergency services. This included transportation of key personnel and emergency supplies.
Penny Wise and Dollar Foolish
By Andy Wilson |
Editor’s Desk Nov/Dec 2003
Have you heard the statement that ?as a group, pilots are cheap?? I?ve read it, heard it in discussions, and I suppose if I were completely honest, I?d have to admit that I have seen it in practice too. Assuming it is true, why do you think that it is? I can think of a few reasons immediately. First off, it costs a lot of money to fly, and we have to be frugal wherever we can. Let the buyer beware applies to flying as well to any other significant purchase we make.
By Andy Wilson |
What is a Pilot Pac? It is an independent legal entity administered by a Board of Trustees. All bookkeeping is separate from CPA and regular reports of income and disbursements are made to the California Secretary of State. All funding is received from voluntary contributions. No CPA membership dues are used for this purpose. The CPA sponsors the California Pilot Political Action Committee.
By Andy Wilson |
Dear Reader
As part of a wider history research project that I began back in the early 1980s on the development and use of assisted aircrew escape systems I am compiling a comprehensive listing of all known ejections in the world, successful and unsuccessful that gives names, dates and photos of the pilot and crew.
Over 800 members – ?Gear?s Up . . . We?re on our Way?
By Andy Wilson |
It?s been a busy time for the Oceanside Airport Association, currently over 800 members. Phase One and Two of the 1997 Airport Master Plan was approved and will begin with replacement of the old dilapidated hangars, new hanger construction, and improvement of a terminal building. The OAA held elections of the Officers and Board members at its annual General Meeting. Alan Cruise will remain as President with newcomers Carl Hixon (VP) and Nancy Clevering (Treasurer) also join Rick Baker (Secretary) and Board members George Phelps, Rene DeLathauwer and Bob Landes.
By Andy Wilson |
Last study completed in 2002
Here are some hard facts you can use when the airport discussion comes up again. Most California residents have no idea how big a part aviation plays in the state’s economy.
California is home to: