Posts by Andy Wilson
Creative Christmas NOTAMS
Using Foreflight today I found the following “Seasonal” weather reports…. Watsonvile, CA. – Santa Distant – Flying Reindeer in vicinity of APT Hollister, CA – Watch for Sleigh Wake Turbulance Monterey, Ca – Reindeer Games INVOF APT HAPPY HOLIDAYS to all…………….
Read MoreVisalia airport gets new airline
Visalia Municipal Airport is getting a new airline to replace the current carrier.
SeaPort Airlines, based in Portland, Oregon, has been awarded the Essential Air Service contract for Visalia by the Department of Transportation.
The airline will likely start flights in February, said Visalia airport manager Mario Cifuentez.
Read MoreAre You Ready for the Ice?
Whether you want to admit it or not, winter is coming. While the season does offer opportunities for days of “severe clear” and improved engine performance, it’s also a time when icing encounters can wreak havoc for GA flyers. If you have any questions about GA anti-icing/deicing systems, be sure to check out page 21…
Read MorePayoff or Settlement?
(When is a supposed “environmental group” really just a front for a profit center business model? You decide, but consider why they decided to “settle” for $550, 000. The lesson here, be careful which environmental groups you support……. CalPilots’ Editor)…….
California Avgas Lawsuit Settled – The Center for Environmental Health, which filed a lawsuit in 2011seeking to prohibit the sale of leaded gasoline in California, has reached a settlement, NATA said on Tuesday. Under the agreement signed last week, FBOs at 23 airports will provide warnings of lead exposure to individuals residing within one kilometer of the airport, will post warning signs at the airports, and will pay about $550,000 in penalties and legal costs. The fuel distributors also agreed to offer for sale the lowest-lead fuel that is commercially available, and to make mogas available to FBOs that request it.
Read MoreCold temperature altitude corrections
(Flying into the mountains this winter?) Cold temperature altitude corrections at “Cold Temperature Restricted Airports”
Notice Number: NOTC5758
Cold Temperature Restricted Airports have now been designated in the United States National Airspace System. The list of airports, the segment of the approach requiring the altitude correction and operating procedures may be found in the Notice to Airmen Publication (NTAP) Part 4. Graphic Notices, Section 1. General. Cold Temperature Restricted Airports. The list will also be available as a PDF on the bottom of the FAA Digital Products, “Terminal Procedures Basic Search” page:
Read MoreSiskiyou supervisors to assess airport woes
Siskiyou County’s airports have struggled in recent years, but the potential loss of the Happy Camp airport has some residents concerned that their essential emergency services will take a devastating hit as well.
The Siskiyou County Board of Supervisors spent its previous two meetings discussing the state of the county’s five airports, including expenditures and revenue, federal and state grant obligations, county resources weighed against unmet needs and how the county will move forward in airport management.
Read MoreSan Luis Obispo City Council voted to override ALUC ruling
New SLO Councilman Dan Rivoire casts swing vote in crucial airport vote – Council overrules commission to allow for development near the airport The San Luis Obispo City Council voted 4-1 on Tuesday to override a ruling by the Airport Land Use Commission, which allows the city to move forward with long-range plans for large residential developments at the city’s southern edge.
New Councilman Dan Rivoire, who was sworn in Dec. 1, decided the city’s path forward by providing the swing vote needed to pass the override.
Read MoreProposals wanted for Chico airport management
Chico – The city will be moving forward in its quest to find management for the Chico Municipal Airport.
Last week, City Manager Mark Orme said the city will be putting out a request for proposals later this month.
Read MoreFriends of Oceano Airport – Toys for Tots – Oceano Airport Dec 6th
Join us for our annual Toys for Tots event in cooperation with the US Marine Corps. Bring a new, unwrapped toy and enjoy the fun.
Saturday, December 6th, 2014
10:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
10:00 Arrivals and holiday beverages
11:00 Live holiday music: Arroyo Grande High School Band
12:00 Central Coast Smokers BBQ $15 includes all the fixings
1:00 Reindeer Games
Monterey Airport runway project
Monterey Airport runway project unearths Native American remains and artifacts. – A massive earth-colored, terraced wall is rising along the edge of Monterey Peninsula Airport. Looming over Highway 68 south of Del Rey Oaks, the retaining wall is part of a $52 million runway safety upgrade, now in the thick of construction.