Victory – Soaring Returns to Hemet-Ryan Airport!
By Andy Wilson |
From Soaring Magazine, January 2012 Flightlines – Send Lawyers, Guns and Money – Warren Zevon, 1978
Santa Monica Airport Analysis Shows Rosy Economics
By Andy Wilson |
Monday, October 3, 2011 Santa Monica Airport analysis shows rosy economics – Residents allege bias to keep the facility open
Mesa Del Rey Airport’s Hidden Treasures
By Andy Wilson |
Remodeled Mesa Del Ray Military Training Center BuildingMany smaller General Aviation airports have a rich history that serves as a link to the current airport. One example is Mesa Del Rey Airport, a public use airport locatedone mile northeast of King City that serves Monterey County, California.
CalPilots' Three-tiered Airport Defense
By Andy Wilson |
Introduction: What is the problem? General Aviation (GA) airports are under constant attack from development and land use issues. There is a lack of understanding regarding airports contributions to the local and state economy, as well as their part in the state’s transportation infrastructure. When originally built, the airport was typically placed in an area…
North Valley Aviation Association Summer Flight Academy Program
By Andy Wilson |
One of the main interests of the North Valley Aviation Association (NVAA) is to sponsor Chico area high school students for participation in the Summer Flight Academy (SFA) program.
Hemet Airport – FAA's Decision Sides with the Gliders
By Andy Wilson |

The long awaited Director’s Determination arrived. The FAA sustained our complaint and found the County to be in violation of the grant assurances.
At CALPILOTS request the FSDO conducted a safety audit and found that simultaneous glider operations may be done safely and recommended the same “safety enhancements” we proposed prior to filing the Part 16 action.
Apparently Santa Monica Not Really Interested in Airport Safety
By Andy Wilson |
SMO Balks (So Far) Over Safety Feature
Santa Monica attempted to ban certain business jets from its airport in part due to concerns over safety, but now that a Circuit Court has ruled out the ban, the city’s maneuvering could lead it to turn down a safety measure.
Overreacting to Risk Posed by General Aviation
By Andy Wilson |
Blogger Lane Wallace writes that an article critical of general aviation in the Atlantic magazine was “overreacting with a sledgehammer to the relatively small risk that general aviation airplanes pose.” According to Wallace, fencing off small airports and requiring extensive security would “kill the magic itself.” Fallows blog (Editor’s Note: Some worthwhile reading here)
Wind Turbine Construction at Tehachapi, CA – CalPilots Response
By Andy Wilson |
The California Pilots Association response – Public Comment to Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) SCH# 2010031067 Wind Turbine Construction at Tehachapi, CA (ClearVista Wind Project).
L.A. TAC Chart Correction
By Andy Wilson |
The new L.A. TAC – south of Pt. Dume and mid-channel to Catalina indicates use of 123.05 for self-announcing one’s position – which is incorrect. In the area south of the L.A. peninsula (Palos Verdes) and Long Beach, it says that — below 2000′ to self-announce on 123.025 – which is correct. It is the…