Catalina Airport Feasibility Study Public Meeting Needs You!
By Andy Wilson |
The Catalina Island Airport Feasibility Study Public Information Meeting will be held on June 15th from 1-3pm in the City of Avalon council room. This open house style meeting will include multiple stations dedicated to the key elements of the feasibility study including NPIAS entry criteria, airport sponsorship scenarios, airport facility requirements and next steps. The public will have an opportunity to ask questions, make comments and take home information regarding the airport feasibility study.
Letter to BPPSE
By Andy Wilson |
June 4, 2010 Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education Attn: Joanne Wenzel, Staff Services Manager III 1625 N. Market Blvd., Suite S 202 Sacramento, California 95834 RE: Comments Concerning BPPE Regulations Dear Members of the Bureau: Having read the Bureau of Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE) regulations in their entirety I am convinced the Bureau is attempting…
Lake Tahoe – Annual Seaplane Splash-in Threatened
By Andy Wilson |
Lake Tahoe Seaplane Pilots Confront Closure Threat, Face Financial Hurdles
Long a premier destination for seaplanes in the Western United States, local governing bodies threaten to severely restrict seaplane access to the largest alpine lake in the Western Hemisphere. Bisected by the California – Nevada border, Lake Tahoe, often called “The Jewel of the Sierra,” is 6200 feet above sea level, 24 miles long, 12 miles wide and the second deepest lake in North America.
AB48 – CALPILOTS Response
By Andy Wilson |
Read the letter to Bureau for Private Post Secondary Education against the inclusion of California Flight Schools and Flight Instructors under BPPSE regulatory control. This would be bad for general aviation in the state and will no doubt cause flight school closure.
By Andy Wilson |
CALIFORNIA PILOTS ASSOCIATION MISSION The California Pilots Association is a non-profit public benefit California Corporation formed in 1949. The mission of our statewide volunteer organization is to promote, preserve and protect the state’s general aviation airports. We have long recognized that the state’s general aviation airports are more than irreplaceable transportation infrastructure assets. When commissioned,…
California Airports Closed Since 1990
By Andy Wilson |
The following California Airports have been closed, for a number of different reasons, at a rate of 1.5 per year since 1990. These invaluable California Transportation Infrastructure assets cannot be recovered. Unfortunately we will soon add Rialto and Elk Grove to the growing list of airports closed since 1990! Airport County Geographic Area Year Closed…
Watsonville Airport Alliance Beats the Odds
By Andy Wilson |
They say that you can’t beat City Hall, but then whoever they are never met these determined groups from Watsonville California.

The Watsonville Pilots Association (WPA), the Friends of Buena Vista – a local airport neighborhood group, some local businesses, and the Sierra Club, along with the California Division of Aeronautics, and the California Pilots Association became allies against a city planning effort that provided more questions than answers.
What was the common enemy that drew these different community groups together? In 2005 the City of Watsonville created Plan 2030. Part of the plan allowed building high density housing developments around the airport, violating the runway protection zones (RPZ’s). Plan 2030 would have undoubtedly caused the community of Watsonville, and its airport (WVI), problems long term. Sound familiar?
CALPILOTS Accomplishments
By Andy Wilson |
What has the California Pilots Association done for you lately? To address that question we need to review a huge amount of data. CALPILOTS was formed in 1949 when the Founding Fathers became concerned about the growing developer encroachment on the state’s general aviation airports – yes, it has been a long time, and the…
Tracy Municipal Airport Fly-in – May 16th
By Andy Wilson |
Come join us for a Fly-in and BBQ !
When: Sunday, May 16th 11am-2pm
Where: Tracy Municipal Airport (KTCY)
Challenge Air Event at Whiteman Airport
By Andy Wilson |
Last weekend, members of the Agua Dulce Airport Association had the opportunity to participate in the Challenge Air event at Whiteman Airport in Pacoima California.